Talent is the first resource of innovation,and innovation drive is actually talent drive.In the process of promoting the high-quality development of regional economy and society,it is particularly important to accelerate the gathering and growth of scientific and technological innovation talents.Taking Hubei Province as an example,the Provincial Party Committee,the Provincial Government and all universities and colleges adhere to the fundamental principle of"the party exercising the leadership over personnel management",manage the macro-policy,coordination and service,give full play to the advantages of the Party committee in commanding the overall situation and coordinating with all parties,effectively solve the outstanding problems in talent team construction,and mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of all talent work.Under the background of the introduction of"big gift package"and the increasingly fierce war of"grabbing talents",the situation faced by the talent team construction in universities and colleges in Hubei Province is still very severe,and some problems,such as the lack of talent introduction,retention and use,have not been fundamentally solved.Therefore,talent team construction in universities and colleges should be innovation-driven,guide and actively participate in the implementation of innovation-driven development strategy,pay attention to market guidance and government guidance,build a horizontal flow bridge and vertical development ladder,and build a reasonable,just,smooth and orderly social flow pattern.
CHU Zhu-bin(Research Center for Local University Development and Evaluation,Jianghan University,Wuhan 430056,China)
Journal of Hanjiang Normal University
the Party exercising the leadership over personnel management
talent team construction in universities and colleges
talent flow