

Further Discussion on the WTO SPS Agreement and Research on the Issues Relating to China International Import Expo
摘要 WTO《SPS协定》第4条“等效”是指如果SPS措施中的两种或者两种以上所达到的实际目的与效果一致,那么它们就是互相对等的措施,也就是说其中的一种措施对于其他措施来说具有等效性。第6条“适应地区条件”是指在划分与建立病虫害非疫区或者低度流行区的条件下,如果某个出口成员的地区获得进口成员的承认,那么该出口成员的地区就相当于获得了向进口成员有关货物出口的“通行证”。第8条“控制、检查和批准程序”是成员方在实施检验检疫时应遵守的规定。2018年首届中国国际进口博览会发布的文件体现了《SPS协定》第4、6条的原则,我们要扩大地使用“等效”原则,严格地使用“适应地区条件”原则,灵活地使用“控制、检查和批准程序”原则,以促进进博会进一步成功举办并避免与WTO成员方产生纠纷。 "Equivalence"in Article 4 of the WTO SPS Agreement means if two or more SPS measures actually achieve the same effect and purpose,these measures are equivalent to each other,i.e.one of these measures is equivalent to the others.Article 6"Adaptation to Regional Conditions"means if a region of an exporting member is recognized by an importing member under the premise of establishing non-epidemic area or low epidemic area of pests and diseases,the exporting member is granted a"pass"for exporting goods to importing members.Article 8"Control,Inspection and Approval Procedure"is a regulation that the member should observe when carrying out inspection and quarantine.As the documents released by the First China International Import Expo(CIIE)in 2018 reflect the principles of Articles 4 and 6 of the SPS Agreement,we need to expand the use of the principle of"equivalence";strictly apply the principle of"Adaptation to Regional Conditions"and flexibly utilize the principle of"Control,Inspection and Approval Procedures"in order to promote the further success of CIIE and avoid disputes with WTO members.
作者 师华 Shi Hua
机构地区 同济大学法学院
出处 《海关与经贸研究》 2019年第6期71-80,共10页 Journal of Customs and Trade
关键词 《SPS协定》 进博会 “等效”原则 “适应地区条件”原则 “控制、检查和批准程序”原则 SPS Agreement CIIE Principle of"Equivalence" Principle of"Adaptation to Regional Conditions" Principle of"Control Inspection and Approval Procedure"
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