
“美利坚和平”——作为帝国主义话语的新自由主义及其全球化神话构成的历史考察 被引量:6

Pax Americana--Neo-Liberalism as an Imperialist Discourse and the Historical Origin of the Neoliberal Globalisation Myth
摘要 自20世纪末起,一批美国保守主义政治与国际关系学者便开始着力描述一个“新美国世纪”的诞生。在21世纪的头十年中,这种胜利主义的霸权叙述更开始着力讲述一个“美利坚和平”的全球秩序想象。这一“美利坚和平”对新自由主义全球化秩序强烈推崇。这种秩序观强调,自由主义经济是调配全球资源、组织经济生活、管理企业的最有效模式;并且,自由资本主导的市场化全球扩张是人类未来全球化进程的唯一路径。近些年,中文学界出现了大量从政治经济学及政治学角度出发对新自由主义全球秩序观的批判。本文强调,从历史维度出发,重新理解过去20年间右翼新自由主义、新保守主义者的帝国观,有助于我们深入理解今天“美利坚和平”秩序观的历史起源及其“新自由主义全球化”叙述的逻辑困境。 At the turn of the 20th and the 21st centuries,a growing number of American conservative scholars of political science and international relations began to devote their attentions to depict the emergence of a“New American Century”.In the first decade of the 21st century,this triumphalist attitude drove many conservative elites to narrate the making and consolidation of a global Pax Americana.Pax Americana advocates s neo-liberal global order.It argues that liberalism is the most efficient and effective model of global economic development.It also paints the picture that a capital-driven,liberal market expansion being the only viable path for the future development of globalisation.In recent years,Chinese scholarship of political economy and political science has offered criticisms to this neoliberal world order.This paper hopes to introduce a historical dimension to the discussion.It looks at the political narratives of a Pax Americana in the longue durée since the late 19th century,hoping to present its connection with the historiography and problematics of the narratives of British imperial history.This paper points out that the theoretical interests in the UK and the USA in the late 19th and late 20th centuries respectively have manifested a shared enthusiasm in the reinvention of history.They emerged at times when the politics of British and American imperialisms reached their peaks in their own respective periods.By revealing this historical dimension in the neoliberal and neoconservative imperialist narratives will help us to better understand the origin of Pax Americana and the logic dilemma of its neoliberal globalisation narratives.
作者 殷之光 YIN Zhiguang
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期84-97,44,共15页 Academic Monthly
关键词 新自由主义 英帝国 美帝国 美利坚和平 霸权 neoliberalism British Empire American Empire Pax Americana hegemony
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