
典型国家疗效协议研究及启示 被引量:2

Study and Inspiration of Efficacy Agreements in Typical Countries
摘要 基于我国医保药品谈判的现状与存在问题,主要研究了典型发达国家的药品疗效协议,包括基本含义、协议品种、协议内容(观察指标与周期、数据收集、响应与支付),在此基础上,提出建议:提高我国医保药品谈判的全面性与科学性、建立专业的评估体系与机构。 Based on the status quo and existing problems of China's medical insurance drug negotiations,the drug efficacy agreements in typical developed countries are studied,including the basic meaning,the types of agreements,and the content of the agreements(observation indicators and cycles,data collection,response and payment).This paper put forward suggestions to improve the comprehensiveness and scientificity of China's medical insurance drug negotiations and establishment of a professional evaluation system and institutions.
作者 赵华婷 颜建周 邵蓉 ZHAO Hua-ting;YAN Jian-zhou;SHAO Rong(National Pharmaceutical Policy and Pharmaceutical Industry Economic Research Center,China Pharmaceutical University,Nanjing Jiangsu 211198,China)
出处 《卫生经济研究》 北大核心 2020年第4期50-53,共4页
基金 2015年度国家社科基金重大项目(第二批)“我国创新药物政策环境研究”基金资助(15ZDB167) 中国药科大学“双一流”学科创新团队建设项目支持(CPU2018GY39)。
关键词 医保 药品谈判 疗效协议 风险共担 medical insurance drug negotiation efficacy agreement risk sharing
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