
“双一流”政策社会反响研究 被引量:2

Research on Social Response to“Double World-Class”Policy
摘要 "双一流"作为一项公共政策自推出以来,受到社会公众的广泛关注与讨论。分析公众对于"双一流"政策的关注度和政策实施后所产生的社会反响,有利于更好地了解公众意愿,推进"双一流"政策更好地落实与实施。文章通过百度指数数据,从趋势研究、需求图谱等方面,利用tableau数据图表呈现出公众对"双一流"政策的关注度特征,并结合图表利用SPSS软件分析了各省份"双一流"政策的关注度差异的影响因素,最后分析了地方政策出台以及高考对"双一流"政策关注度的影响特征。研究结果发现:一是公众对"双一流"政策能直接做出反应并且"双一流"政策的社会反响地域差异化明显;二是学科导向是"双一流"政策社会反响的主要特征;三是高考志愿填报是"双一流"政策的直接响应。 The"Double World-class"as a public policy has been widely concerned and discussed by the public since it was launched.Analyzing the public’s attention degree to the"Double World-class"policy and the social response after the implementation of the policy is conducive to a better understanding of the public’s wishes and promoting the better implementation of the"Double World-class"policy.Based on Baidu index data,this paper shows the public’s attention degree to the"Double World-class"policy though the tableau data chart from several aspects such as trend research and demand map,utilizes SPSS software with charts to analyze the influence factors of the difference in attention degree of"Double World-Class"policy in each province and finally researches the influence characteristics of the introduction of local policies and the"college entrance examination"on the"Double World-Class"policy attention degree.The results show that:(1)the public can directly respond to the"Double World-class"policy and the social response of the"Double World-class"policy are obviously different in different regions.(2)discipline orientation is the main feature of the"Double World-class"social response.(3)the college entrance examination volunteering is a direct response to the"Double World-class"social effect.
作者 刘盛博 刘佳新 刘畅 LIU Sheng-bo;LIU Jia-xin;LIU Chang(Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China)
出处 《黑龙江高教研究》 北大核心 2020年第3期12-17,共6页 Heilongjiang Researches on Higher Education
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“基于数据分析的一流学科建设战略研究”(编号:19YJA880017) 辽宁省高等学校新型智库项目“‘双一流’建设评价与推进战略研究”(编号:XZK2019002) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“基于知识维度的一流大学评价研究”〔编号:DUT18RC(4)024〕。
关键词 “双一流”政策 社会反响 百度指数 关注度 "Double World-Class"policy social response Baidu index attention degree
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