
新生代农民工被看重感影响因素质性研究 被引量:1

Qualitative Researches on The Influencing Factors of Sense of Being Valued of The New Generation of Migrant Rural Workers
摘要 目的:研究被看重感指数及心理机制对改善新生代农民工心理卫生水平,增强企业社会责任感以及开发人力资源潜能具有重要的意义.方法:以质性研究为导向,基于扎根理论、结合方便抽样和目的抽样研究方法,对18位新生代农民工进行深度访谈.结果:基于被看重感理论基础、扎根理论等视角,研究发现新生代农民工被看重感主要表现在关注、重要、信赖、欣赏等4个方面;新生代农民工被看重感总体现状处于中等偏下水平,在性别、学历、职务、工作年限等人口学变量上存在差异;影响其被看重感主要因素有个体因素、家庭因素、组织因素、社会因素.结论:新生代农民工被看重感指数较差,积极知觉偏少,消极情绪偏多.在未来研究可以从个体动力、家庭关怀、组织重视、社会支持等多维视角对新生代农民工心理卫生水平进行有针对性的干预和设计. Objective To study the influence of index of being valued and psychological mechanism on mental health of the new generation of migrant rural workers.Methods Oriented by qualitative research,based on grounded theory,and combined with convenient sampling and purpose sampling research methods,18 cases of new generation migrant rural workers were surveyed with in-depth interview.Results The sense of being valued of the new generation of migrant rural workers mainly manifested in four aspects as attention,importance,trust and appreciation.Their overall situation was considered as medium,which was different in demographic variables such as gender,education background,position and working years.The main influencing factors were individual factors,family factors,organizational factors and social factors.Conclusion The index of being valued of the new generation of migrant rural workers was generally medium,which needs to be further improved.Targeted countermeasures on improving their mental health can be implemented in future researches,such as individual motivation,family care,organizational attention,and social support.
作者 经卫国 况志华 姚本先 俞林 JING Wei-guo(School of Public Affairs,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing,P.R.China)
出处 《中国卫生事业管理》 北大核心 2020年第4期294-298,共5页 Chinese Health Service Management
基金 国家社会科学基金“新型城镇化进程中新生代农民工市民转化问题分析及对策研究”(16BRK009) 江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究基金“新生代农民工被看重感:结构、特点及影响因素”(2017SJB0866)。
关键词 新生代农民工 被看重感 现状 影响因素 质性研究 new generation of migrant rural workers sense of being valued status influencing factors qualitative research
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