
青云谱区食源性疾病监测结果分析 被引量:3

Analysis of Surveillance Results of Foodborne Diseases in Qingyunpu District
摘要 目的通过对青云谱区食源性疾病的监测结果进行分析,旨在为食品监管机构采取有效措施提供参考。方法选取2019年4月~12月青云谱区食源性疾病监测报告系统报告131例食源性疾病病例进行分析。结果131例食源性疾病病例中,发病时间主要集中于5月~10月;发病年龄主要集中在21~30岁及61岁及以上;职业构成以无业、工人和学生为主;131例食源性疾病监测病例中,其中外县区32例,我区共报告99例,我区报告的病例数中洪都街办病例最多,为62例;131例食源性疾病病例中,致病食品加工及包装方式以散装为主,致病食品种类以粮食及其制品为主;131例食源性疾病病例中,主要致病菌为沙门氏菌、副溶血弧菌。结论食品卫生监管部门要加强食品安全的监管力度,保障人民群众生命健康安全。 Objective To analyze the monitoring results of food-borne diseases in Qingyunpu district,aiming to provide reference for food regulatory agencies to take effective measures.Methods From April to December 2019,131 cases of food-borne diseases were reported in the Qingyunpu district food reporting system for analysis.Results Among the 131 cases of foodborne disease,the time of onset was mainly from May to October;the age of onset was mainly from 21 to 30 years old and over 61 years old;the occupation structure is mainly composed of unemployed,workers and students;Among the 131 cases of food-borne disease surveillance,32 cases were from outside counties and districts.A total of 99 cases were reported in our district.Among the cases reported in our district,Hongdu Street Office had the most cases with 62 cases;Among the foods consumed by 131 cases of foodborne diseases,the bulk of the food processing and packaging methods are food,and the main types of food are grains and their supplies.Among the131 cases of foodborne diseases,the main pathogens are salmonella and parahaemolysis Vibrio.Conclusion The food hygiene supervision department should strengthen the supervision of food safety to ensure the health and safety of the people.
作者 况强华 邓虹 周军华 KUANG Qiang-hua;DENG Hong;ZHOU Jun-hua(Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Qingyunpu District,Nanchang 330024,Jiangxi,China;Qingyunpu District Health Committee,Nanchang 330024,Jiangxi,China)
出处 《医学信息》 2020年第8期135-136,共2页 Journal of Medical Information
基金 2020年度江西省卫生健康委员会科技计划项目(编号:20204151)。
关键词 食源性疾病 监测分析 食品卫生监管 Foodborne diseases Surveillance analysis Food hygiene supervision
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