
“后天的慈善家”——传承背景下家族企业慈善捐赠研究 被引量:11

Acquired Philanthropist: Research on Charitable Donation of Family Business in the Context of Succession
摘要 本文结合我国家族企业逐渐进入交接班的背景,将家族企业慈善捐赠的动因从"社会-企业"维度扩展到"家族"维度,基于家族可持续发展战略并结合社会情感财富理论提出慈善捐赠的家族组织跨代延续动机假说。通过对我国A股2004-2017年620家上市家族企业的数据进行实证分析,在控制其他变量的基础上,发现有二代进入的家族企业比无二代进入的家族企业更愿意慈善捐赠,并且二代进入后家族企业的慈善捐赠水平更高。进一步研究表明,在家族所有权控制越高的家族企业中,二代涉入与慈善捐赠关系越强。最后还发现,在一代-二代共治期、二代涉入数量较多时,家族更有动机通过慈善捐赠来获得和维持家族和谐、认同等社会情感财富。本文揭示了家族组织在跨代延续过程中蕴含着强大的慈善捐赠动机,研究结论有助于更好地理解慈善捐赠对家族可持续发展的战略意义。 The intrinsic relationship between intergenerational succession and charitable donation has drawn attention in family business research, but few studies care about the motive of "family"dimension. Therefore, it’s hard to deeply understand the strategic motivation behind the charitable donation of family firms. Based on the background of the inheritance of Chinese family business, this paper expands the motive of charitable donation of family business from the "social-firm" dimension to the "family" dimension. Thus, we propose several hypotheses of the family’s motivation for intergenerational inheritance of charitable donation in the view of family strategy and socioemotional wealth. We examine the hypotheses by analyzing the data of 620 listed Chinese family firms from 2004 to 2017 and get the following results.On the basis of controlling other relevant variables, we find that family firms with second generation involvement generally donate more than those without second generations, and firms exhibit an increasing trend in philanthropic donation after second generations join the business operation. The empirical results verify the family’s motivation for sustainable development strategy through philanthropic donation and reveal that family business with second generations involved is eager to cultivate family harmony, family identity and other social emotional wealth that will stir up higher motivation for charitable donation.Further research shows that the relationship between second generation involvement and charitable donation will be stronger when family ownership is higher, which indicates the heterogeneity in the motivations and abilities of family business to cultivate socioemotional wealth through charitable donation during the succession period. Family firms with higher family ownership are more inclined to cultivate socioemotional endowment through philanthropic donation and create a favorable family environment for the second generation. Finally, this paper also finds that when more family members of the second generation involved in the business during co-governance period of the first and second generations, the family are more generous to cultivate socioemotional wealth such as family harmony and family identity through charitable donation.This paper reveals that the "family" as a social organization has strong potential for charitable donation in the process of intergenerational inheritance. The conclusion of the study is not only helpful to deepen the understanding of intergenerational succession and charitable donation in family business,but also useful for people to comprehend the family motivation of sustainable development strategy in Chinese family firms.
作者 邹立凯 宋丽红 梁强 Zou Likai;Song Lihong;Liang Qiang(School of Business,Sun Yat-Sen University,Guangzhou 510275,China;School of Business,Shantou University,Shantou 515063 China;Center for Chinese Family Business,Sun Yat-Sen University,Guangzhou 510275,China)
出处 《外国经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期118-135,共18页 Foreign Economics & Management
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(71602105) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71672196,71972119)。
关键词 慈善捐赠 代际传承 社会情感财富 家族延续 家族企业 charitable donation intergenerational succession socioemotional wealth family continuity family business
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