

British Government and the Outbreak of the Third Kang-Tibetan Conflict
摘要 1930年由“大白事件”引发的康藏纠纷使康藏边境再遭兵燹之祸。此次冲突的爆发,一方面是西康当局对大白纠纷处理不当,加上达赖、班禅两大系统的矛盾,使得十三世达赖对这场不同教派间的庙产纠纷过度解读,矛盾不断升级;另一方面,这场冲突也是清末以来康藏划界争端的延续,充分暴露了1918年康藏停战协议的脆弱性。分析冲突期间英国驻锡金政务官威尔的两次拉萨之行,可以看到康藏冲突的爆发并非威尔使藏唆使的结果,不应夸大英国政府在康藏冲突爆发中的作用。战争初期因藏军连连得手,英政府也乐见其成,到1932年战局出现转折,藏军处于劣势后,英政府便开始积极干预战事,一举扭转了多年下滑的英藏关系,并使西藏当局与南京中央政府的关系出现了明显倒退。 In 1930,the Kang-Tibetan dispute caused by the“Da-Bai Incident”made the Kang-Tibetan border suffer a ravage of war again.The breakout of this conflict was due,on the one hand,to that the misconduct of the Dai-Bai dispute by the Xikang authority coupled with the contradiction between the two systems of Dalai and Panchen caused the over-interpretation by the 13 th Dalai Lama to the dispute of temple estate between two different sects,which in turn caused a constant upgrading of the contradiction.On the other hand,this conflict was also a continuation of the Kang-Tibetan Demarcation dispute ever since the late Qing dynasty,which fully exposed the vulnerability of the Kang-Tibet Truce in 1918.From the analysis of the two trips to Lhasa during the conflict by Weir,the British Political Officer in Sikkim,it could be seen that the breakout of the conflict was not the result of Weir s instigation,and thus the function of the British Government in the conflict should not be overstated.At the beginning of the war,the British Government was glad to see the repeated success of the Tibetan armies.But when the war situation appeared to turn to otherwise and the Tibetan armies were in the bad in 1932,the British Government began to interfere actively with the warfare,reversed at one action the many-year declining British-Tibetan relation,and caused a obvious retrogress of the relation between the Tibetan authorities and the central government in Nanjing.
作者 朱昭华 ZHU Zhaohua(School of Social Development and Public Administration,Suzhou University of Science and Technology,Suzhou Jiangsu 215009)
出处 《苏州科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第2期92-99,108,共9页 Journal of Suzhou University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”科研项目资助。
关键词 第三次康藏冲突 康藏划界 英国政府 the Third Kang-Tibetan Conflict the Kang-Tibetan Demarcation British Government
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