

Analysis and calculation of bending performance of concrete-filled circular steel tubular component with encased profile steel
摘要 采用有限元软件ABAQUS建立内配型钢钢管混凝土受弯构件力学模型,借助已有试验验证模型的合理性,在此基础上研究该类构件在弯矩作用下的变形规律、受力过程和破坏模态,分析构件材性、型钢含钢率、型钢截面形式等参数对内配型钢钢管混凝土受弯构件极限承载力及抗弯刚度的影响;引用欧洲规范中组合柱抗弯承载力计算公式进行计算,并将计算结果与已有试验结果及有限元模拟结果进行对比,二者吻合良好,说明欧洲规范中组合柱抗弯承载力计算公式可用于该类构件的设计计算.研究结果可为内配型钢钢管混凝土受弯构件设计提供参考. Finite element software ABAQUS was used to establish a mechanical model of concrete-filled steel tubular component with encased profile steel subjected to the action of the bending.With the help of the rationality of experimental verification models available,based on checking the accuracy of those,the deflection regularity,stressing process,and failure mode of this kind of components under action of bending moment influence of component parameters such as material property,steel inclusion rate in profile steel,and its sectional form on the ultimate bearing capacity and flexural stiffness of the bent component was analyzed,also.Its evaluation was carried out by means of introduction of calculation formula of flexural bearing capacity of integral column in European Code,and its calculation result was compared with the results of experiment and finite element simulation available.Their agreement was fine enough,showing that that formula of composite columns in European Code can be used for the design of that category of component.The result of this investigation can provide certain reference for the design of the concrete-filled steel tubes with encased profile steel under bending load.
作者 史艳莉 李兴国 王凤 SHI Yan-li;LI Xing-guo;WANG Feng(Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation in Civil Engineering of Gansu Province, Lanzhou Univ. of Tech., Lanzhou 730050, China)
出处 《兰州理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第2期138-144,共7页 Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(51768038,51268035)。
关键词 有限元 弯矩 应力 应变 计算公式 finite element bending moment stress strain computation formula
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