
基于联通主义的面向对象教学方法研究 被引量:1

Research on Object-oriented Teaching Method Based on Relevance Doctrine
摘要 传统教学中存在"老师填鸭灌输,学生被动接受"的问题,这将导致学生分析与解决综合性问题的能力缺失。在互联网时代背景下,网络中学习资源开放化、多元化,但是知识内容呈现碎片化、分散化,这会引起学生对知识架构难以形成整体认知,学生的有效学习面临诸多实践困境。本文提出了一种基于联通主义的面向对象教学方法,首先,借鉴面向对象的编程思想,教师在教学过程中,先把综合性问题分解成多个子问题,再封装、抽象出一个大问题,构建出整体知识框架。其次,通过联通主义学习观,激发学生的积极性,构建自身有效的学习网络,充分利用各种内部与外部资源,不断地对自身知识网络进行拓展与优化。本文的方法通过面向对象教学方法降低了学生构建整体知识框架的难度;进一步,联通主义理论增强了学生在现代信息网络中,以教学交互和自身知识创新为中心的学习观念。 In the process of traditional teaching,there is a problem that"teachers spoon-feed knowledge to students and students passively accept knowledge".Therefore,the question that students will lack the ability to analyze and solve comprehensive problems will be caused.At present,under the influence of the background of the Internet era,the learning resources on the network present an open and diversified situation,but what we see is fragmented and scattered knowledge content,which will lead to students’difficulty in forming an overall understanding of the knowledge structure.In addition,students have many practical difficulties in achieving the goal of effective learning.In this paper,an object-oriented teaching method based on relevance doctrine is proposed.Firstly,learn from the object-oriented programming idea,in the process of teaching,the comprehensive problem should be decomposed into multiple sub-problems,then a big problem is encapsulated and abstracted,and the overall knowledge framework can be constructed.Secondly,through the use of relevance doctrine learning concept,the enthusiasm of students can be stimulated.On the one hand,students can build their own effective learning network.On the other hand,students can make full use of various internal and external resources to continuously expand and optimize their own knowledge network.Our method reduces the difficulty of constructing the overall knowledge framework by the object-oriented teaching method.Furthermore,the theory of relevance doctrine strengthens students’learning concept,which is centered on teaching interaction and self-knowledge innovation in modern information network.
作者 张婧 ZHANG Jing
出处 《科技视界》 2020年第9期18-20,共3页 Science & Technology Vision
基金 国家自然科学基金——青年基金项目(61902311) 陕西省软科学研究计划项目——一般项目(2019KRM021) 陕西省教育厅自然科学研究项目(19JK0541).
关键词 面向对象 联通主义 教学方法 资源关联 Object-oriented Relevance doctrine Teaching methods Resource association
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