It is important for any bilateral relationship to have access to foreign emissaries,and it is a policy to pre-vent others from asking for information along the way.The routes for envoys either sent by the Jungar khanate to the capital or Qing Court to the Jungar khanate are basically divided into South Road and North Road,from the point of view of the Qing dynasty.Minister Kitad took in 1682 a route to Jungaria along Salbart→Muusi Am→Qiqiha→Galdan’s place;Miniseter Jungfoboo took a route in 1724 to Jungaria along Urumqi→Ilalik→Ulihaya→Konggos and Qui Rivers→Har Hujir→Qui and Har Balt Rivers;in 1725,Jungfoboo’s road was Bar Kul→Jims→Toli→Talhi Dabaga→Qui and Cagan Us Rivers confluence→Horgot;in 1734 Minister Funai’s road was Bar Kul→Aktas→Jims→Ili River→Bar Tohoi→Ilber Hosoo;In 1737,Kalkha Taiji Emgen’s road was Halzan Hosoo→Erchis Zost hosoo→Uliastai→Hobog Sair→Ili→Qinjir→Cagaan Burgas;In 1738,Akdun’s road was Tamir Military Camp→Arigtai→Jair→Bor Tal→Alag Uul→Tekes→Ilber Hosoo.
Journal of the Western Mongolian Studies