会厌癌是最常见声门上型喉癌之一,约占喉部恶性肿瘤的25%,近年来略有增长,且男性发病率远高于女性。会厌癌可局限于会厌或侵及杓会厌襞者、咽会厌皱襞,向下可侵及室带等。大多采用开放的声门上喉部分切除术治疗或支撑喉镜下CO2激光切除等外科手术方法,需行气管切开。本文报道支撑喉镜下超声刀手术切除治疗会厌癌(Epiglottis carcinoma)1例,行双侧颈部淋巴结清扫但未行气切。总结超声刀的手术技巧及优点,并结合文献进行讨论。
Epiglottis carcinoma is one of the most common supraglottic laryngeal carcinoma,accounting for 25%of the laryngeal malignancy.It has increased slightly in recent years,incidence rate of male is much higher than that of female.Epiglottic cancer can be confined to epiglottis or those who invade arytenoepiglottic fold,pharyngeal epiglottic fold,and can invade ventricular zone downward.Open supraglottic partial laryngectomy or CO2 laser resection under laryngoscope are usually used,and tracheotomy is needed.This paper reports a case of epiglottis carcinoma treated by ultrasonic scalpel under laryngoscope.This paper summarizes the operation skills and advantages of ultrasonic scalpel,and discusses them in combination with the literature.
Chinese Medical Digest(Otorhinolaryngology)