2016年1月起实施的《居住证暂行条例》从根本上摒弃了农民工享有城市基本公共服务的制度桎梏,但农民工实际所能享有的水平尚取决于城市政府开放其公共服务的程度,包括"承诺"服务的领域多少和所设置的约束"条件"高低。本文以各城市居住证管理制度文件为依据,运用全国流动人口调查数据,测量城市基本公共服务面向农民工群体的开放度。结果显示:(1)城市基本公共服务全部领域超过一半面向农民工开放,开放度0. 5076。即便在排他性服务领域,也超过1/3面向农民工开放,开放度达到0. 3569,农民工开始实质性享有城市基本公共服务,但离平等权利仍有距离;(2)开放度在区域间的分布表现为东部城市低于中部城市更低于西部城市、直辖市低于省会城市更低于其他地级市,珠三角、长三角和京津冀城市低于三大经济圈外城市。相对发达的城市开放度更低,反映出开放度高低主要取决于城市政府的开放意愿而非提供服务的能力;(3)开放限制主要来源于"条件"约束,城市政府在排他性服务领域的承诺度0. 7703,承诺服务的领域超过3/4。但约束度达0. 4502,城市政府只向其中54. 98%能满足约束条件的农民工开放所承诺的服务,源自约束条件的限制占到开放限制的60%以上。城市政府遵循居住证制度规范面向外来人口统一"承诺"服务,但通过"条件"约束选择性地限制了农民工获得城市基本公共服务的机会,农民工平等权利的最终实现尚需要政策制度的系统性配套改革。
The implementation of the temporary regulations on residence permits in January 2016,fundamentally gives migrant workers access to basic public services in cities. However,the actual level that migrant workers can enjoy the services depends on the openness of public services by local governments,including the committed scope of the services and the conditional constraint. Based on the local documents of the residence permits,this paper measures the openness of basic public services to migrant workers by using the data of the National Floating Population Dynamic Monitoring Survey. The results show that: 1) More than half of total basic public services are open to migrant workers,with an openness rate of 0. 5076,and more than 1/3 of exclusive services are open to migrant workers,with an openness rate of 0. 3569. Migrant workers begin to substantially enjoy basic public services in cities,but there is still a long way from their equal access to public services. 2) From the view of region,the openness of developed cities is lower,that of eastern cities is inferior to central and far inferior to western cities,municipalities are inferior to provincial capitals and far inferior to other prefecture-level cities,and cities in the three major economic circles are inferior to others. Hence,it is the willingness rather than the ability of local government that decides the openness of basic public services to migrant workers. 3) The main obstacles for migrant workers to enjoy the public services is conditional constraint,which accounts for more than 60% of the openness restriction. The commitment degree in the field of exclusive services is 0. 7703,while the constraint degree reaches 0. 4502. That is to say,even though more than 3/4 of services are committed,the local government restricts these promised services to only 54. 98% of the migrant workers who can meet the constraint conditions. While the local government permits migrants to enjoy the basic public services according to the residence permit system,they hinder the equal rights by setting conditional constraint. It is necessary for governments to support the reform to realize the migrant workers’ equal rights on public services.
Qian Xueya;Song Wenjuan
Statistical Research
Basic Public Services
Migrant Workers
Commitment Degree
Constraint Degree