The aim of this study is the geomorphological analysis of neotectonic deformation in the Avaj region in the NW part of the Iranian Plateau. We use observations from detailed field surveys and the analysis of digital elevation model(DEM) and satellite images(Landsat-7 ETM+, 30-m resolution) to explore a new E-W trending strike-slip fault system in the study area. The major active faults of the Avaj region are the NW-SE trending Avaj and Hassanabad fault zones. The Avaj Fault is a SWdipping reverse fault with a transport toward NE and the Hassanabad Fault is a NE-dipping reverse fault that has moved Paleozoic rocks over Cenozoic sedimentary units. Moreover, there are some E-W trending left-lateral strike-slip faults which cut Late Quaternary deposits. The relationship between the NW-SE and E-W faults indicates that the slip at the termination of the NW-SE faults changes from reverse to left-lateral strike-slip faults. The activity of the left-lateral faults has formed a series of offsets and displacements in drainage paths. These left-lateral faults probably initiated in 5±2 Ma because of the convergence between the Central Iran and the South Caspian blocks.