目的通过对本院骨科手术患者术前贫血状况调查,了解骨科手术术前贫血现状,为术前贫血合理化治疗和干预提供参考依据。方法选取本院2011年1月1日-2018年12月31日骨科手术患者29 317例,通过HIS系统调取患者病历资料,主要包括患者的基本信息、手术信息以及实验室检测结果等,对数据集进行清洗、分析。结果本院骨科手术患者术前贫血发生率为27.91%;女性术前贫血发生率31.04%,高于男性24.1%,以轻度贫血为主,不同性别差异有统计学意义;2011-2018年不同年份术前贫血发生率呈逐年上升的趋势,其中2015年略有些下降,不同年份差异有统计学意义;80岁及以上年龄组患者术前贫血发生率最高,为65.83%,P<0.05;职业分布中,学生术前贫血发生率最高,占37.38%,公务员及管理人员术前贫血发生率最低,占23.83%,P<0.05;疾病分类中,骨折患者术前贫血发生率最高,为63.03%;在BMI分级中,身体质量指数与术前贫血的发生呈正相关,P<0.05;术前贫血组与非贫血组比较,术前贫血组住院时间延长、围手术期输血比例及输血量高,P<0.05;多因素分析回归模型中,结果显示性别、年龄、BMI都有可能是影响术前贫血发生的危险因素,P<0.05。结论通过对本院骨科手术患者术前贫血发生状况分析,了解可能发生术前贫血的现状,有效降低术前贫血发生率,最大限度地提高患者治疗疗效。
Objective To investigate the preoperative anemia in orthopedic surgery in our hospital through retrospective study of patients admitted for orthopedic surgery, as to provide reference basis for rational treatment and intervention for preoperative anemia. Methods This retrospective observational study included 29 317 patients admitted for orthopedic surgery from January 1 st, 2011 to December 31, 2016 in PLA General Hospital. The baseline characteristics and outcome data, including general patient characteristics, data of surgery, and laboratory results etc, were obtained through HIS system and then sorted and analyzed. Results The overall incidence of preoperative anemia in orthopedic surgery was 27.91%. The preoperative anemia incidence in women(31.04%), who mainly had mild anemia, was higher than that in men(24.1%),and statistical differences were observed between both sexes.The yearly incidence of preoperative anemia was increasing year by year during 2011 and 2018, except for a slight decline in 2015, showing a significant P value for trend.. Patients aged 80 and above had the highest incidence of preoperative anemia(65.83%), which was significantly higher than that in other age groups. As to the incidence of preoperative anemia classified according to occupation, students ranked the highest(37.38%), while civil servants/managers ranked the lowest(23.83%)(P<0.05). In disease classification, the highest incidence of preoperative anemia happened in fracture(63.03%).In classification of body mass index(BMI), BMI was proportional to the incidence of preoperative anemia(P<0.05). Preoperative anemia group had increased peri-operative exposure to red cell transfusion and prolonged hospital stay compared with non-anaemic group(P<0.05). The results showed that gender, age, and BMI may be the risk factors associated with preoperative anemia, and the differences were statistically significant.Conclusion By analyzing the preoperative anemic status in orthopedic surgery of our hospital, we can understand the potential risks associated with preoperative anemia, so as to effectively minimize its occurance and further improve the treatment effectiveness.
PAN Xue;LIU Li;GUAN Xiaozhen;LIN Jie;WANG Deqing(Department of Transfusion,PLA General Hospital,Beijing 100853,China)
Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion