
国家级开放获取协议的兴起及其对全球学术生态的影响分析 被引量:13

The Rise of National Open Access Agreement and Its Impact on the Global Academic Ecology
摘要 [目的/意义]随着开放获取运动的持续推进,欧洲部分国家相继开启了国家级开放获取协议制定战略研究。通过研究不同国家开放获取协议内容与特点,以及对全球学术生态的影响,提出我国应对国家级开放获取协议兴起的对策。[方法/过程]以德国、挪威、法国等国的国家级开放获取协议内容为分析重点,着重介绍分析上述三国国家级开放获取协议的内容、发起背景、愿景目标与主要工作机制;介绍芬兰、瑞典、荷兰、瑞士等国的国家级开放获取进程。基于上述分析,归纳国家级开放获取协议的主要特点以及对全球学术生态的影响。[结果/结论]无论我国是否采取国家级开放获取协议模式,都应及早建立相关研究并采取应对措施:一是尽快启动我国国家级开放获取协议战略研判工作;二是培育具有全球竞争力的期刊出版商;三是加大对高价值学术期刊的扶持力度;四是积极牵头并组建东亚三国开放获取协议项目组;五是加大对图书馆等文献服务机构的支持力度。 [Purpose/significance] With the continuous development of the open access movement,some European countries have successively launched research on the formulation of national open access agreements.By studying the content and characteristics of open access agreements in different countries and their impact on the global academic ecology,we propose countermeasures for China to respond to the rise of national open access agreements.[Method/process] Focusing on the analysis of the content of national open access agreements in Germany,Norway,France and other countries,the research analyzed the content,initiation background,vision and main working mechanisms of the national open access agreements in the 3 countries;national-level open access processes in Sweden,the Netherlands,and Switzerland were introduced.Based on the above analysis,the main characteristics of national open access agreements and their impact on the global academic ecosystem were summarized.[Result/conclusion]Whether China would adopt a national-level open access agreement model or not,relevant research should be established as soon as possible and measures should be taken:first,to start national strategic research on national open access agreements as soon as possible;second,to cultivate journal publishers with international competitiveness;third,to increase support for high-value academic journals;fourth,to actively lead and form the East Asian Open Access Agreement projekt;fifth,to increase support for document service institutions such as libraries.
作者 黄敏聪 Huang Mincong(Guangdong Science and Technology Library(Guangdong Institute of Scientific&Technical Information and Development Strategy),Guangzhou 510070;Institute of Strategy Research for Guangdong,Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area,Guangzhou 510070)
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第8期24-31,共8页 Library and Information Service
基金 广东省科学院专项“粵港澳大湾区战略研究院建设及科技决家咨询研究(2019)”(项目编号:2O19)(项目编号:2019GDASYL-0202001) 广东省自然科学基金项目“广东省大科学装置知识产权保护策略研究”(项目编号:2018A030313930)研究成果之一。
关键词 开放获取 国家级 学术生态 open access national level academic ecology
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