

Technical Summary of CNOOC Zhoushan Petrochemical Processing Aging Liuhua Oil
摘要 加工劣质原油提高了企业经济效益,及时总结经验可为今后提供技术依据。某批次加工了老化流花油9000 t,由于加工时间短(24天),从技术月报数据看,设备腐蚀及炉管结焦等方面未有明显变化,各产品收率加工前后未出现明显变化,掺炼流程从储运部老化油罐中抽出并焦化油进料线上,除少量机泵电耗外,油品差价1200元/t,经济效益约为540万元,后续加强对设备腐蚀及炉管结焦的检测频次,为"降本增效"提供保障。 Processing low-quality crude oil can improve the economic efficiency for refineries,and timely summary of the experience can provide technical basis for the future processing.In a batch processing of aging oil(9000 t)from Liuhua oilfield in a short time(24 days),the technical monthly report data indicated that there were no significant changes in equipment corrosion,furnace pipe coking,and yields of all products before and after the processing.The aging oil was pumped from storage tank and blended into coking-oil feed line,which added a small amount of pump power consumption.With the aging oil price discount at 1200 yuan/t,this processing achieved economic benefit of 5.4 million yuan.In the subsequent processing,the detection frequency of equipment corrosion and furnace tube coking will be increased to provide guarantee for cost reduction and efficiency improvement.
作者 张建设 Zhang Jianshe(CNOOC Zhoushan Petrochemical Co.,Ltd.,Zhoushan Zhejiang 316015,China)
出处 《石油石化绿色低碳》 2020年第2期32-37,共6页 Green Petroleum & Petrochemicals
关键词 老化流花油 加工 技术总结 aging oil from Liuhua oilfield processing technology summary
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