
当归调经养血合剂联合电刺激治疗薄型子宫内膜效果观察 被引量:7

Clinical Study of Danggui Tiaojing Yangxue Mixture Combined With Electric Stimulation of Pelvic Floor Muscles and Nerves in the Treatment of Thin Endometrium
摘要 目的观察当归调经养血合剂联合电刺激治疗薄型子宫内膜效果。方法选取2018年8月-2019年12月在阳江市中医医院妇科门诊就诊的90例气血亏虚型的薄型子宫内膜患者作为研究对象,采用随机单盲方法分为三组,每组30例,治疗组(当归调经养血合剂联合盆底肌神经肌肉电刺激),对照组a组(戊酸雌二醇)及对照组b组(盆底肌神经肌肉电刺激),连续治疗3个周期,对患者的月经量、子宫内膜厚度变化进行治疗前后对比研究,比较整体疗效。结果三组间子宫内膜厚度、月经失血图评分对比,治疗前差异无统计学意义,治疗后治疗组明显改善,与对照组a组、b组比较P<0.05,差异有统计学意义;三组治疗西医临床疗效总有效率对比,治疗组达到93.3%,高于对照组a组、b组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论当归调经养血合剂联合盆底肌神经肌肉电刺激治疗,对于改善薄型子宫内膜厚度、月经量作用显著,疗效可靠。 Objective To observe the effect of Angelica regulating meridians and nourishing blood mixture combined with electric stimulation on thin endometrium.Methods From August 2018 to December 2019,90 thin endometrial patients with deficiency of Qi and blood were selected as the research objects.They were randomly divided into three groups,30 in each group.The treatment group(Angelica meridian regulating and nourishing mixture combined with electric stimulation of pelvic floor muscle),the control group A(estradiol valerate)and the control group b(pelvic floor muscle nerve muscle electrical stimulation),continuous treatment for three cycles,the amount of menstruation of patients,endometrial thickness changes before and after treatment comparative study,compare the overall effect.Results There was no difference between the three groups in endometrial thickness and the score of menstrual blood loss chart.After treatment,the treatment group improved significantly,P<0.05,compared with group a and group b of the control group.The total effective rate of the three groups was 93.3%,which was higher than that of the control group A and B(P<0.05).Conclusion Danggui Tiaojing Yangxue mixture combined with pelvic floor neuromuscular electrical stimulation has significant effect on improving thin endometrial thickness and menstrual volume,with reliable effect.
作者 谢灵君 李孔益 许巧莹 梁韵茹 陈高燕 钟凤娇 李妙华 杨开洪 XIE Lingjun;LI Kongyi;XU Qiaoying;LIANG Yunru;CHEN Gaoyan;ZHONG Fengjiao;LI Miaohua;YANG Kaihong(Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics,Yangjiang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Yangjiang Guangdong 529500,China)
出处 《中国卫生标准管理》 2020年第6期114-117,共4页 China Health Standard Management
基金 2018年度阳江市医疗卫生类科技计划项目(社发[2018]45)。
关键词 当归调经养血合剂 盆底肌神经肌肉电刺激 薄型子宫内膜 月经量 子宫内膜厚度 月经失血图评分 Danggui Tiaojing Yangxue mixture pelvic floor muscle electrical stimulation thin endometrium menstrual volume endometrial thickness score of menorrhaphy
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