
经学价值的二元性:“《诗》亡然后《春秋》作”疏解 被引量:1

On the Duality of the Values of the Academy of Classics:An Interpretation of the Emergence of the Spring and Autumn when the Poem Vanished
摘要 传统儒家经典的价值关切,从政治的角度观察并不统一,其既关注德性之正,又关注群体之治,正与治之间不存在统一的宇宙论基础。关注德性之正,可以《诗》为代表,其宇宙论以人心、人性为中心;关注群体之治,可以《春秋》为代表,其宇宙论基础是天。《诗》亡然后《春秋》作,反映的是古代政治的核心关切从正转向治的历史变迁。《尚书》的有德者有天下的观念以德性为政治合法性之基础;《周礼》之王与官制的分离,反映的是指向于治的政治权力的独立,其合法性基础则是基于天道的秩序。指向于群体之治与作为治权基础的天,是高于天地二分格局之上的天。经学核心价值在本体论虽是二元,然在认识论上则可以统一,这是两种不同追求的学术可以综合的基础。传统中的今古文学与汉宋之分,都可以从求正与求治的不同上得到说明。 The value that Confucian Classics concerned was not uniform in the view of politics. Some concerned the rectification of morality, and some concerned the rule of the group. There is no same cosmological base of the two values. The Poem is the typical Classics of the former one, and the Spring and Autumn is the typical one of the latter. The core of cosmology of the former Classics is the human nature and mind, and that of the latter is Heaven. The emergence of the Spring and Autumn when the Poem vanished reflects the transformation of the ancient political value from the upright nature to the rule of the group. The Classical Books which hold the idea that the governor must had moral integrity considered the moral integrity as the base of the political righteousness. The separation of the king from the officials in the Zhouli 周礼 reflects the independence of rule power, and the base of the righteousness of it is the natural order. The Heaven which served as the cosmological base of the rule power is different to the Sky which is usually considered as the opposite of the Earth, it actually is the synthetic of the Sky, Earth, and Human. Although the Classical value was binary in the view of ontology, they could be unified in the view of epistemology. This was the prerequisite that the two different kind of thought could be fused together. The traditional differentiation of the academy of the Classics, such as the difference schools of the modern and ancient forms of the character, and that of the Han 汉 academy and Song 宋 academy, could both be demonstrated in the view of the different Classical values.
作者 陶磊 Tao Lei(School of Humanities,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310028)
出处 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期145-154,160,共11页 Zhejiang Social Sciences
关键词 经学价值 二元性 宇宙论 the values of the academy of classics duality upright rule cosmology
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