
再以六经欲解时为切入点探讨六经实质 被引量:3

Discussion on the essence of six channels from perspective of the recovery time of six channels
摘要 本文旨在以六经欲解时为切入点探讨六经的实质。“六经欲解时”,是指某个时段,某经正气旺盛,抗邪更加有力,即少阳经(寅卯辰)→太阳经(巳午未)→阳明经(申酉戌)→太阴经(亥子丑)→少阴经(子丑寅)→厥阴经(丑寅卯)→少阳经,其体现的是阳气运行的时间规律。《内经》中明确论述了阳气运行的时间与脏腑部位的对应关系,因此,可以通过《内经》中阳气运行规律的论述明确六经的具体位置。结果如下:太阳病病在心、肺,少阳病病在肝胆与三焦,阳明病病在肺、胃,而三阴病则主要分别病在脾、肾与肝。这个结论不同于脏腑经络的六经解释,但与《内经》中脏腑经络的概念并不矛盾,是脏腑功能的另一种拆分组合形式,相对于五行脏腑系统,是一个新的功能系统,是阳气盛衰循行的时空规律,统括外感内伤,并兼容各家学说,更适合整体的病理的判断。 This paper is aimed at exploring the essence of six channels from perspective of the recovery time of six channels.The recovery time of six channels means that at a certain period of time,when a meridian’s vital qi is vigorous and have more powerful resistance against evil.That is,shaoyang channel(3a.m.to 9 a.m.)→taiyang channel(9 a.m.to 3 p.m.)→yangming channel(3 p.m.to 9 p.m.)→taiyin channel(9 p.m.to 3 a.m.)→shaoyin channel(11 p.m.to 5 a.m.)→jueyin channel(1 a.m.to 7 a.m.)→shaoyang channel,which reflects the time regularity of yang qi movement.In Huangdi Neijng,the corresponding relationship between the running time of yang qi and the parts of viscera and bowels is clearly discussed.Therefore,we can define the specific position of the six channels by discussing the running law of yang qi.The result is as follow:taiyang disease’s locations are heart and lung;shaoyang disease’s locations are liver,gallbladder and triple energizers;yangming disease’s location are lung and stomach;while Three-Yin diseases’s locations are mainly spleen,kidney and liver.This conclusion is different from the explanation of six channels based on the theory of viscera and bowels.However,it is not inconsistent with the concept of zangfu viscera and meridians in Huangdi Neijng,which is another form of separation and combination of zangfu viscera’s functions.Compared with zangfu viscera system based on the theory of five phases,this is a new functional system.It is the space-time rule of rising and falling of yang qi.It contains exogenous diseases and internal injuries.It is compatible with the theories of various schools of thoughts and is more suitable for the overall judgment of diseases’pathogenesis.
作者 陈志刚 郜贺 窦健卿 马效麟 刘妍妍 CHEN Zhigang;GAO He;DOU Jianqing;MA Xiaolin;LIU Yanyan(Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine,the Third People's Hospital of Dalian,Dalian 116033,China)
出处 《环球中医药》 CAS 2020年第3期389-394,共6页 Global Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 六经欲解时 六经实质 六经定位 六经时空关系 六经层级结构 六经定性 The recovery time of six channels Essence of six channels Location of six channels Space-time relationship of six channels Hierarchy of six channels Qualitative analysis of six channels
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