

The Overview of Evaluation Methodology on E-cigarette Genotoxicity
摘要 为了解电子烟的基因毒性及其评价方法,按照受试对象分类进行了综述。其中以细菌为受试对象的试验方法有细菌回复突变试验和DNA损伤分析等;以离体细胞为受试对象的试验方法有微核试验、DNA双链断裂试验、RNA转录测序试验、定向基因检测分析和Bhas细胞转化试验等;以模式动物为受试对象的试验方法有长期吸入毒性试验和生殖发育毒性试验等;以人体为受试对象的主要是临床试验和流行病学调查研究等。由于受试对象和试验方法的差异性,导致电子烟基因毒性结果的可信度和可比性较差,因此建议在评价电子烟基因毒性的过程中,应至少考虑细菌、离体细胞、模式动物和临床试验等4个层次的受试对象,通过回复突变试验、微核试验、长期吸入毒性试验和临床试验等多种试验方法获得多个基因毒性的试验终点,科学、客观和全面地综合评价电子烟的基因毒性。 In order to understand the genotoxicity of e-cigarettes and its evaluation methodology,a review was conducted according to the classification of study subjects.The test methods using bacteria as the study subjects include bacterial reversion mutation test and DNA damage analysis.Methods using isolated cells as study subjects include micronucleus test,DNA double-strand breaking test,RNA transcriptional sequencing test,targeted gene detection and analysis,and Bhas cell transformation test.Long-term inhalation toxicity test and reproductive development toxicity test were used in the model animals.The human body as the study subject are mainly clinical trials and epidemiological investigations.Due to the differences of study subjects and test methods,the credibility and comparability of e-cigarettes genotoxicity results is poor.Therefore,it is recommended that in the process of e-cigarettes genotoxicity evaluation,at least bacteria,isolated cell,animal models and clinical trials should be considered.Multiple genetic toxicity test endpoints can be obtained through a variety of test methods,such as reverse-mutation test,micronucleus test,long-term inhalation toxicity test,and clinical trial,which help to make a scientific,objective and comprehensive evaluation of e-cigarettes genotoxicity.
作者 严大为 郑赛晶 YAN Dawei;ZHENG Saijing(Research Department of Chemistry,Shanghai New Tobacco Product Research Institute,Shanghai 200082,China)
出处 《中国烟草科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期93-98,共6页 Chinese Tobacco Science
关键词 电子烟 体内试验方法 体外试验方法 基因毒性 E-cigarette in vivo methodology in vitro methodology genotoxicity
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