
10kV一母多馈电缆线路弧光接地过电压特征分析 被引量:4

Analysis of Characteristics of Arc Grounding Overvoltage in 10kV Multiple Feeders
摘要 10kV一母多馈线系统采用小电阻接地方式,当发生弧光接地故障时在故障馈线上会产生较高幅值的过电压,并经母线传递到相邻馈线,从而造成相邻馈线发生击穿跳闸事件。通过PSCAD建立一母多馈线模型,分析了弧光接地过电压对相邻馈线的影响,研究了断路器动作时过电压传递问题,分析了接地方式地对过电压传递的影响。得出了过电压从故障点传递到非故障馈线幅值不断衰减,断路器动作时间小于10 ms能够抑制过电压传递,经消弧线圈接地能够很大程度降低非故障馈线过电压的规律。 10 kV Multiple feeders system adopts a low resistance grounding method.When an arc groundfault occurs,an overvoltage with higher amplitude will be generated on the faulty feeder and transmittedto the adjacent feeder via the bus,which causes a breakdown trip accident.This paper has establishedthe multiple feeders system on the PSCAD platform.By calculating the model,the influence of the arcgrounding overvoltage on the adjacent lines is analyzed,the overvoltage transmission when the circuitbreaker acts is also studied;and the effect of grounding method on overvoltage is analyzed.It.s concludedthat the amplitude of the overvoltage from the fault point to the non-faulty feeder is continuously attenua-ted.A circuit breaker with the operation time less than 10 ms can suppress the transmission of overvoltagein the circuit,and overvoltage of non-fault feeders can be greatly reduced by grounding through arc sup-pression coil.
作者 方春华 陈帆 李景 周雨秋 方雨 张威 FANG Chunhua;CHEN Fan;LI Jing;ZHOU Yuqiu;FANG Yu;ZHANG Wei(College of Electrical and New Energy,China Three Gorges University,Yichang 443002,China;State Grid Anqing Electric Power Supply Company,Anqing 246000,China)
出处 《电瓷避雷器》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第2期141-147,共7页 Insulators and Surge Arresters
关键词 一母多馈线 小电阻接地 弧光接地 过电压 接地方式 multiple feeders low resistance grounding arc ground overvoltage grounding method
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