
国际孕期体力活动研究的热点及演变进程——基于VOS viewer的文献计量与可视化分析 被引量:2

The Hotspots And Evolution of the Research on Physical Activity in International Pregnancy--Based on VOS Viewer's Bibliometrics And Visualization Analysis
摘要 研究目的:为探究国际孕期体力活动相关研究的热点及其演变进程,进而为我国孕期体力活动研究提供理论支撑。研究方法:以Web of Science、Pubmed等多个核心数据库收录的3769篇国际孕期体力活动相关文献为样本,依据文献计量学基本原理,基于关键词共现、引文分析、共引分析等计量方法,利用VOS viewer 1.68软件绘制出知识图谱,并通过可视化图谱展现国际孕期体力活动研究的外在特征、主题热点及演进历程。研究结论:30多年来国际孕期体力活动的研究力量主要集中在美、英等发达国家,且高校为主力军;研究学科主要分布在产科学、妇科学、病因学、流行病学和营养学,运动科学相对滞后;研究的热点主要体现在孕期体力活动对母体健康及并发症风险的影响,对胎儿发育及子代长远健康影响,与妊娠结局的关系,孕期体力活动的推荐标准,孕期体力活动的科学测量与评估等六大方面;研究热点除了始终围绕着“孕妇”、“胎儿”、“健康”、“安全”这一主线演进外,也呈现出随年度变化的阶段性特征;高频关键词如“孕期体力活动”、“孕期体育锻炼”、“慢性病”、“安全性”、“妊娠结局”、“母体胎儿健康”、“测量与评价”将继续成为未来一段时间内国际孕期体力活动研究的主要热点;而体现健康与幸福、以人为本发展战略的“建成环境”、“心理健康”、“表观遗传”、“子代长远健康”、“孕期体力活动推荐量”与“可穿戴装备”、“监测方法”、“调控机制”、“糖脂代谢”等也将成为下一时期的孕期体力活动研究热点。 To explore the hotspots of international physical activity related research during pregnancy and its evolution process,and to provide theoretical support for the study of physical activity during pregnancy in China.Method:Based on 3769 international pregnancy physical activity related literatures collected by Web of Science,Pubmed and other core databases as samples,based on the basic principles of bibliometrics,based on measurement methods such as keyword co-occurrence,citation analysis,and co-citation analysis VOS viewer 1.68 software was used to draw a knowledge map,and visual maps were used to show the external characteristics,topical hotspots and evolution of international physical activity research during pregnancy.Research conclusion:For more than 30 years,the research strength of international physical activity during pregnancy is mainly concentrated in developed countries such as the United States and Britain,and universities are the main force;research disciplines are mainly distributed in obstetrics,gynecology,etiology,epidemiology and nutrition,Sports science is relatively lagging;research hotspots are mainly reflected in the impact of physical activity during pregnancy on maternal health and the risk of complications,the impact on fetal development and long-term health of offspring,the relationship with pregnancy outcomes,recommended standards for physical activity during pregnancy,and physical activity during pregnancy Six aspects of scientific measurement and evaluation;research hotspots have always evolved around the main line of"pregnant woman","fetus","health",and"safety",and they have also shown periodic characteristics that change with the year;high frequency Keywords such as"physical activity during pregnancy","pregnancy physical exercise","chronic disease","safety","pregnancy outcome","maternal and fetal health","measurement and evaluation"will continue to be international physical strength during pregnancy in the future The main focus of activity research;and the"built environment"","Mental health","epigenetics","long-term health of offspring","recommended physical activity during pregnancy"and"wearable equipment","monitoring methods","regulatory mechanisms","glycolipid metabolism",etc.It will also become a hotspot in the study of physical activity during pregnancy in the next period.
作者 牛严君 乔玉成 NIU Yan-Jun;QIAO Yu-Cheng(School of Physical Education,Shanxi Normal University,Linfen 041000,China)
出处 《吉林体育学院学报》 2020年第2期88-98,共11页 Journal of Jilin Sport University
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目(16BTY003)。
关键词 体力活动 孕期 VOS VIEWER 文献计量学 可视化分析 physical activity pregnancy VOS viewer bibliometrics visual analysis
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