
大数据在供应链智慧化进程中的作用 被引量:5

The Role of Big Data in the Process of Supply Chain Intelligence
摘要 随着互联网的广泛应用和智能制造的发展,传统供应链越来越难实现各成员间的协同,大数据、人工智能及移动互联网等技术使供应链更加智慧化,促进了生产和服务的变革,使供应链与互联网、物联网深度融合。从制造业角度看,商品由原来的大规模生产到现在的大规模定制,消费者越来越看重商品的个性化程度;从社会角度看,由于人口红利的衰减,原来依靠廉价劳动力的企业面临着人工成本飞升的困境;从供给侧结构看,低附加值、高消耗的运营模式已不再适应现代化发展。在这种背景下,传统供应链的变革已经迫在眉睫,越来越多的制造商对生产流程进行自动化、数字化的升级,传统供应链逐渐向能够满足市场多品种、小批量、个性化和周期短的新兴业态发展,朝着智慧供应链的方向变革。 With the wide application of the Internet and the development of intelligent manufacturing,it is increasingly difficult for traditional supply chains to realize the collaboration among members.Technologies such as big data,artificial intelligence and mobile Internet make the supply chain more intelligent,promote the transformation of production and service,and deeply integrate the supply chain with the Internet and the Internet of things.From the perspective of manufacturing industry,from the original mass production to the current mass customization,consumers pay more and more attention to the degree of personalization of goods;From the social point of view,due to the decline of demographic dividend,enterprises that used to rely on cheap labor are faced with the dilemma of soaring labor cost.From the perspective of supply-side structure,the operation mode with low added value and high consumption is no longer suitable for modern development.In this context,the transformation of the traditional supply chain is imminent.More and more manufacturers are automating and upgrading the production process through digitalization.The traditional supply chain is gradually developing into an emerging business form that can meet the needs of multiple varieties,small batches,individuation and short cycle of the market,and towards the direction of smart supply chain.
作者 张婉婉 ZHANG Wan-wan(School of Management,Guizhou University,Guiyang 550025,China)
出处 《物流工程与管理》 2020年第4期89-92,共4页 Logistics Engineering and Management
关键词 传统供应链 大数据 智慧供应链 变革 traditional supply chain big data smart supply chain reform
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