
洗衣机用永磁同步电机转子结构的电磁设计和分析对比 被引量:1

The Electromagnetic Design and Analysis Comparison of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for Washing Machine
摘要 根据变频洗衣机用永磁同步电机要求的抑制转矩脉动,提高功率密度,降低成本的设计要求,研究了3种不同的转子拓扑结构,即表贴式径向充磁、spoke型内置切向充磁式和拼接式永磁同步电机的电磁性能,利用二维有限元方法对三种结构的转矩脉动以及转矩密度进行了仿真分析。仿真结果表明,拼接式转子结构永磁同步电机能有效提高磁钢利用率,增加转矩密度,降低转矩脉动。 According to the design requirements of suppressing torque ripple,increasing power density and reducing cost,the electromagnetic characteristics of the PMSM with three different rotor topologies,that is,surface mounted,spoke type,and spliced type used for the washing machine are invetigated.In this paper,the 2D finite element method is used to simulate the torque ripple and torque density.The simulation results show that the spliced rotor structure can effectively improve the utilization rate of permanent magnets and increase the torque density.
作者 张旭 林明耀
出处 《日用电器》 2020年第4期60-63,共4页 ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES
关键词 拼接式转子 径向永磁同步电机 2D有限元 spliced rotor radial permanent magnet synchronous motor 2D finite element method
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