

A Method for Rapidly Evaluating Correlation Characteristic of Navigation Signal
摘要 导航卫星信号相关特性分析面临信号种类繁多、多星并行、多阶段验证的复杂测试状况,为高效评估导航卫星信号相关特性,文章提出一种快速评估导航信号相关特性的方法。在星地同源的采集模式下,对软件接收机的捕获跟踪环节进行抗混叠滤波及抽取,随后对相关曲线进行插值,可快速无失真地对相关特性进行分析。通过某导航卫星实测信号的验证,此方法在获得相同分辨率的情况下,运算速度可比传统方法提升近50%。 Currently, the evaluation of the correlation characteristic of navigation satellite signal is confronting with a complex test conditions of various types of signals, multiple parallel satellites and multi-phase verification, which undoubtedly poses a challenge to the testers. To effectively evaluate the correlation characteristic, this work proposes a method for rapidly evaluating the correlation characteristic of navigation signals. Under the sample mode of satellite-ground synchronization, anti-aliasing filtering and extraction are imposed for the acquisition and tracking process of the software receiver, and the correlation curve is interpolated, then the correlation characteristics can be analyzed quickly without distortion. Through the measured signal verification of a navigation satellite, the speed of the proposed method is nearly 50% higher than that of the traditional method while obtaining the same resolution.
作者 申洋赫 张晓松 刘彬 闫金栋 SHEN Yanghe;ZHANG Xiaosong;LIU Bin;YAN Jindong(Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering,Bejing 100094,China)
出处 《航天器工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期127-133,共7页 Spacecraft Engineering
基金 国家重点研发计划重大科学仪器设备开发重点专项(2017YFF0106600)。
关键词 快速评估 导航信号 相关特性 相同分辨率 rapid evaluation navigation signal correlation characteristic same resolution
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