

On the Relationship Between Guo and Qin
摘要 西周时期,西虢坐镇于雍,讨伐戎狄,为周王室守京畿西门。秦人奔走于陕甘之间,牧马伐戎,为周王室保西陲。虢与秦无论是肩负使命,还是活动区域和内容,均有交集,其关系隐而不显。西虢终结时,秦国始立国;虢国灭国时,穆公始争霸。虢与秦看似没有什么关系,实际上在春秋争霸的战略大格局中息息相关。虢国是秦晋争霸的牺牲品。晋献公灭掉虞、虢,抢占茅津、殽函,称霸中原。秦国东进受阻,转而称霸西戎。东周顿失臂膀和屏障,更加衰微。虢唯周王马首是瞻,恪守周礼,参与周政,尚武尚勇,征伐不休,日趋保守,终被晋亡。同样尚武尚勇的秦东源西成,大起大落,进取功利,勇于变革,最终一统中国。 During the Western Zhou Dynasty,the state of West Guo was located in Yong,where it attacked Rongdi and guarded the west gate of the capital area for the Zhou royal family.Qin people lived between Shaanxi and Gansu,herding horses and attacking the West Rong tribe to defend the western border for the Zhou royal family.No matter in terms of the mission undertaken,or in terms of the region and content of their activities,Guo and Qin had an intersection.But their relationship was not obvious.At the end of the state of West Guo,the state of Qin began to be established;at the end of the state of Guo,the monarch of Qin,Duke Mu,began to fight for hegemony.Guo and Qin didn't seem to have much to do with each other.In fact,they were closely related in the strategic pattern of competing for hegemony in the Spring and Autumn Period.Guo is the victim of the fight between Qin and Jin.Duke Xian of Jin destroyed Yu state and Guo state,occupied Maojin Ferry,Xiao Mountain and Hangu Pass,and finally dominated the Central Plains.After being blocked in its eastward advance,Qin turned to dominate the area of West Rong.The Eastern Zhou Dynasty lost its powerful assistant and barrier,and became even weaker.The state of Guo,which only followed the lead of the king of Zhou,abided by the rites of Zhou,participated in the politics of Zhou,was warlike,aggressive,conservative,and finally destroyed by the state of Jin.However,Qin,who was also warlike and belligerent,has gone through great ups and downs,made much progress and great achievements,had the courage to carry out reform and finally unified China.
作者 高强 GAO Qiang(Library,Baoji University of Arts and Sciences,Baoji 721013,Shaanxi)
出处 《宝鸡文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第2期12-17,共6页 Journal of Baoji University of Arts and Sciences:Social Science Edition
关键词 殽函 Guo Qin Jin Zhou Dynasty Xiao Mountain and Hangu Pass
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