

A Study on the Meaning of “Qi” in Zuo Zhuan Comment by Wang Yuan of Qing Dynasty
摘要 "奇"是清代实学代表人物王源评点《左传》的关键词,在内容、形式评点中皆有体现。借助《左传》具体文本的评点,通过同类相联、正反对举的反复申述,王源将"奇"之内涵赋予"变""活""正"等多重意义,将传统的奇文观念"美文化",以奇诡、辞达、自然为奇文,使"奇"具备了多重文学批评的功能。身处易代,酷爱兵法,好奇人奇事奇文,一生坎壈,皆为王源尚奇批评生成之根源。对明清八股时文取士的不屑,对清初文坛亦步亦趋效法唐宋八大家的不满,使其《左传》奇文评点具备了不同时俗的意义,浸润了明确的针砭时弊与经世致用的色彩。王源《左传》评点之重"奇",在一定程度上彰显出中国古代文论的典型性特征。对此进行考察,可望为揭橥评点的阐释范式、话语体系等提供可行性研究理路。 "Qi" is the key word of Wang Yuan’s comment on Zuo Zhuan, which is reflected in meaning and formal criticism. With the help of the comments on the concrete text of Zuo Zhuan, through the repeated representations of the same kind and the opposite, Wang Yuan endowed the connotation of "Qi" with multiple meanings such as "change", "live", "positive", and so on, and magnified the connotation of the traditional concept of "Qi", so that "Qi" became the pronoun of masterpiece. He believed that a good work must have a sense of wonder, a good diction and a natural style of writing, which endowed "Qi" with the function of multi-literary criticism. Being in dynasties alternation, loving warcraft, admired curious things and wonders, and having a difficult life, all of these were the roots of "Qi". His disdain for Eight-part essay exam and admission in the Period of Ming and Qing Dynasties, his dissatisfaction with the blind imitation of the Eight Masters of Tang and Song Dynasties in the literary circles in the early of the Qing Dynasty, made his comment on the odd essay in Zuo Zhuan have different vulgar meanings and a clear color of criticizing the current disadvantages and practical application. Wang Yuan attaches great importance to " Qi", which to some extent shows the typical characteristics of ancient Chinese literary theory. This study is expected to provide a feasible way to reveal the hermeneutic paradigm and discourse system of comments.
作者 赵奉蓉 ZHAO Feng-rong
出处 《北方论丛》 2020年第3期83-93,共11页 The Northern Forum
基金 国家社科基金项目“清代 左传 评点文献整理与研究”(17BZW110) 中国博士后基金项目“清代《左传》评点研究”。
关键词 王源 《左传评》 关键词 Wang Yuan Zuo Zhuan Comment "Qi" Key word
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