
论国际投资协定中的公平公正待遇--以国际投资仲裁实践为视角 被引量:9

Fair and Equitable Treatment in International Investment Agreements:From the Perspective of International Investment Arbitration Practice
摘要 公平公正待遇是国际投资协定中最具争议的一个条款。近年来学界对这个问题的论述也是各抒己见。一般认为,公平公正待遇是国际最低待遇标准的一部分或者等同于国际最低待遇标准。但从近十年来的国际投资仲裁实践来看,公平公正待遇已经逐渐转变为一个独立自主的外资待遇标准,与国际最低待遇标准不再有明显的联系。因此有必要从案例分析的视角,厘清公平公正待遇与最低待遇标准的关系,继而立足于我国对外投资法的新发展,为完善我国与"一带一路"沿线国家双边投资协定(BITs)中公平公正待遇条款提出修改建议。 The fair and equitable treatment is one of the most controversial clauses in international investment agreements.In recent years,academic circles cannot reach a consensus on this issue.It is generally acknowledged that fair and equitable treatment is part of or equivalent to the international minimum standard of treatment.However,from the perspective of investment arbitration practice in the past decade,fair and equitable treatment has gradually changed into an autonomous standard,which is no longer obviously linked with international minimum standard.Therefore,it is necessary to clarify the relationship between fair and equitable treatment and minimum standard of treatment through analyzing typical cases,and put forward some suggestions to improve the fair and equitable treatment clause in BITs between China and OBOR countries,based on the new development of China’s foreign investment law.
作者 林燕萍 朱玥 LIN Yan-ping;ZHU Yue(International Law School,East China University of Political Science and Law,Shanghai 200042,China)
出处 《上海对外经贸大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期72-89,共18页 Journal of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
基金 2019年度上海市哲学社会科学规划一般项目“‘一带一路’背景下中外BIT公平与公正待遇条款改革路径研究”(项目编号:2019BFX006)的资助。
关键词 国际投资 一带一路 公平公正待遇 国际最低待遇标准 BIT international investment the Belt and Road fair and equitable treatment international minimum standard of treatment BIT
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