
信任的认知神经网络模型 被引量:11

The cognitive neural network model of trust
摘要 信任是指一方在基于对另一方行为期望的基础上愿意冒一定的风险,以期在将来得到积极结果的心理过程。近年,认知神经取向的研究对信任行为引起的特定脑区激活进行了考察,却忽略了大规模脑网络在信任过程中的整体作用。在总结前人研究的基础上提出信任的认知神经网络模型,并从认知神经网络视角对信任行为进行解释和整合。在模型中,信任行为是动力系统、情感系统和认知系统相互作用的结果,并分别与奖励网络、显著网络、中央执行网络和默认网络等神经网络激活有关。此外,模型还强调信任行为的反馈机制,以此构成完整的建构模型。模型阐明了心理系统与中枢神经网络之间的对应关系,从认知神经角度解释了信任行为发生的心理机制和神经基础。 Trust encompasses one’s willingness to take certain risks based on the expectation of the other’s behavior in order to obtain positive results in the future. Previous studies focused on specific brain regions, rather than the overall activity of large-scale brain networks in trust behavior. Trust behavior is associated with the activation of multiple regions of the brain that involves the cognitive neural network. In the Cognitive Neural Network Model, trust behavior is a representation of the interaction between the motivation system, affective system and cognition system, corresponding to the activation of the reward network, salience network, central-executive network and default-mode network. The model clarifies the correspondence between psychological systems and neural networks, and explains the psychological and neural mechanisms of trust from the perspective of neuroscience. In addition, the model also emphasizes the feedback mechanism of trust behavior, yielding a complete Cognitive Neural Network Model.
作者 陈瀛 徐敏霞 汪新建 CHEN Ying;XU Minxia;WANG Xinjian(Zhou Enlai School of Government,Nankai University,Tianjin 300350,China)
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期800-809,共10页 Advances in Psychological Science
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“医患信任关系建设的社会心理机制研究”(15JZD030) 天津市社会科学规划项目“天津市心理健康服务体系的实务模式探索”(TJJX18-001) 南开大学博士研究生科研创新基金资助。
关键词 信任 认知神经网络 动力系统 情感系统 认知系统 trust cognitive neural network motivation system affective system cognition system
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