国民经济的迅速发展,人民生活水平提高,各个行业都离不开电力,对电力依赖的程度不断加深。越来越多的新能源随着科技的发展开始登上电力舞台,构成了一个体系。电力资源变得越来越多元化,这就加大了电力系统的管理难度。110 kV电力系统继电保护可以保证供电的稳定性和可靠性。
The national economy is developing very fast today,people’s living standards are improving,and all industries are inseparable from electric power,and the degree of dependence on electric power continues to deepen.With the development of science and technology,more and more new energies have begun to emerge on the stage in the power fi eld,forming a system.The resources of electric power are becoming more and more diversifi ed,which makes it more diffi cult to manage the power system.110 kV power system introduces relay protection,which can ensure the stability and reliability of power supply.
Electric Power System Equipment