

The Packing Houses inTrader's street":Preserving and Enhancing the Historic,Social and Economic Values of Urban Wooden Built Vernacular
摘要 位于挪威特隆赫姆市“商人街”(Kjopmannsgata)的仓储排屋是这座历史城市的重要遗产组成部分。背靠中世纪大教堂,这些沿河而建的排屋是这座城市最入镜的景点之一。这些仓储用房作为承载河港传统功能的遗迹,一千年前曾是船只泊岸的据点,是特隆赫姆建城之初的见证。在中世纪的仓储排屋于1681年毁于一场城市大火后,整列建筑又被重建,今天伫立的排屋年代各不相同,最古老者建于17世纪末期,最新那些带复原外立面的现代建筑,则是火灾后所重建。尽管这些仓房是这座历史城市中令人喜爱的美景,但其印象中为人忽略的一面则是部分建筑常年处于废置状态。目前一项市政工程已着手恢复和振兴该区域,旨在既保护建筑遗产,又为该片区带来更多活动,注入活力。与此同时,一项确定这些排屋未来用途的分区规划也在进行之中。本研究旨在讨论城市环境下乡土遗产的评估、处理和利用。通过所选取的“商人街”案例,将讨论如下问题:不同利益相关者如何理解和评估乡土历史建筑?当历史遗产建筑被改造和商业化时,哪些价值会存在风险?在不影响这些价值的情况下,可以使用哪些工具在城市环境中激活历史遗产? The packing houses in Kj0pmannsgata,“Traders street”in the city of Trondheim,Norway,are acknowledged as part of the city's significant heritage.Lined along the river with the medieval cathedral as backdrop,the row of buildings is one of the most photographed views in the city.The package houses are remnants of the traditional function of the river harbour,which provided a sheltered landing for boats and was a premise for the origin of the city one thousand years ago.After the medieval packing houses succumbed to a big city fire in 1681 the row was rebuilt.The packing houses standing today are of varying age,the oldest late 17th century,the newest modern buildings with replica fa cades rebuilt after fire.Although this row of buildings is a beloved historic city view,the impression of the row that it is neglected,with buildings which are partly abandoned.A municipal project has set out to restore and revitalize the area,with the purpose of both to save the built heritage and bring more activity to the area.At the same time,a new zoning plan is under way,which will determine the future use of the buildings.The topic explored here deals with the question of the relationship between valuation,treatment and use of vernacular heritage in an urban setting.Through the chosen case of Trader's Street the following questions will be discussed:how is the historic vernacular understood and valued by the different stakeholders?What values are at risk when heritage buildings are transformed and commodified,and what tools can be used to activate heritage in an urban setting without compromising these values?
作者 许东明(译) 侯小青 王代赟(校订) 王韬(校订) Mette Bye;XU Dongming;HOU Xiaoqing;WANG Daiyun;WANG Tao
出处 《住区》 2020年第1期14-20,共7页 Design Community
关键词 住区 乡土遗产 保护 管理 利用 地方匠艺 价值 契约 community design vernacular heritage conservation management utilization local craftsmanship values engagement
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