Using the single-mode approximatiou,we first calculate entanglement measures such as negativity(1-3 and 11 tangles)and von Neumann entropy for a tetrapartite W-Class system in noninertial fiarne and then anal^e the whole entanglement measures,the residualπ4 and geometricП4 average of tangles.Notice that the difference betweenπ4 andП4 is very small or disappears with the increasing accelerated observers.The entanglement properties are compared among the different cases from oue accelerated observer to four accelerated observers.The results show that there still exists entanglement for the complete system even when accelemtion r tends to infinity.The degree of entanglement is disappeared for the 1-1 tangle case when the acceleration r>0.472473.We reexamine the Unriih effect in noninertiai frames.It is shown that the entanglement system in which only one qubit is accelerated is more robust than those eutangled systems in whicli two or three or four qubits are accelerated.It is also found that the von Neumann entropy S of the total system always increases with the increasing accelerated observers,but the Sκξand Sκζδwith two and three involved noniuertial qubits first increases and then decreases with the acceleration parameter r,but they are equal to constants 1 and 0.811278 respectively for zero involved iioniiiertial qubit.
supported by the CONACYT,Mexico under the Grant No.288856-CB-2016 and partially by 20190234-SIP-IPN,Mexico.