
软腐猕猴桃果实真菌类病原菌的生物多样性分析 被引量:5

Biodiversity Analysis of Fungal Pathogens from Soft-rotting Kiwifruit
摘要 本文对湖南地区主要猕猴桃产区猕猴桃软腐果实真菌类病害的多样性分布规律进行系统分析,为猕猴桃软腐病原真菌多样性的深入研究提供基础数据和理论依据。采用IlluminaHi Seq高通量测序技术对5处软腐猕猴桃(A、B、C、D、E),15组果实样品中微生物ITS扩增子二代测序数据采集,进行生物信息学分析。5处软腐猕猴桃果实中真菌种类较为丰富,真菌丰富度指数和多样性指数较高,尤其是A、B、C处,相对于D、E处存在极显著差异(p<0.01)。在不同猕猴桃果实中得到了2个门的优势微生物。子囊菌门(Ascomycota)为最优势菌门,主要分布在D和E处,群类相对丰度为19.20%,且远远大于次优势菌门-担子菌门(Basidiomycota,6.80%,主要分布在A、B、C处),表现出非常明显的优势;间座壳属Diaporthe相对丰度最高,达到了14.00%,相对于其它属病原菌均具有极显著性差异(p<0.01),此菌在D、E组含量相对较高,在本组内达到了30%以上,其余3组几乎没有。布勒弹孢酵母属Bullera相对丰度为4.90%,此菌为各组共有的优势菌属,A、B、C组略高,在本组内达到了5.50%左右,D、E组则为3.50%左右。葡萄座腔菌属Neofusicoccum相对丰度为3.20%,此菌在E组含量相对较高,在本组内达到了15.00%以上,其余4组几乎没有。红菇属Russula相对丰度为0.60%,及其它较少的担子菌门菌属Tomentella、Phialocephala、oidiodendron、cenococcum等,此外,具有软腐猕猴桃果实潜力的菌属有茎点酶菌属(homa)、青霉属(penicillium)及拟青霉属(simplicillium)等。实验为猕猴桃软腐病的防治提供了一定理论基础,今后对猕猴桃果实软腐病防治时可针对性的杀灭间座壳属和葡萄座腔菌属微生物,以提高果实的耐贮性。 In this paper, the diversity distribution of kiwifruit soft rot diseases in main kiwifruit producing areas in Hunan Province was systematically analyzed. It provided basic data and theoretical basis for further study on the diversity of pathogenic fungi of kiwifruit soft rot in Hunan. Illumina Hi Seq high-throughput sequencing technology was used to collect the second generation sequencing data of microbial ITS amplifiers from 15 groups of fruit samples of 5 soft-rotting kiwifruit(A, B, C, D, E), and bioinformatics analysis was performed. There were abundant fungi in five soft rotting kiwifruit fruits, and the fungi richness index and diversity index were higher, especially for A, B and C groups, relative to D and E groups, there were significant differences(p<0.01).Two dominant Phylum microorganisms were obtained from different kiwifruit fruits. Ascomycota was the most dominant phylum. It mainly distributed in D and E groups. The relative abundance of Ascomycota was 19.20%, which was much larger than that of Basidiomycota, 6.80%, which mainly distributed in A, B and C groups. It showed obvious advantages. The relative abundance of Diaporthe was the highest, It reached 14.00%, which was significantly different from other pathogens(p<0.01), The content of the bacteria was relatively high in groups of D and E, which reached more than 30% in these groups, and almost none in the other three groups. Next, Bullera was 4.90%, Groups A, B and C were slightly higher, reaching about 10% in these groups and about 5% in groups of D and E. Neofusicoccum was 3.20%, The content of the bacteria in Group E was relatively high, reaching more than 20% in this group, and almost none in the other four groups. Russula was 0.60%, and Tomentella, Phialocephala, oidiodendron and Cenococcum were few, among them, the genus of Homa, Penicillium and Simplicillium was the potential fungi for soft rotting kiwifruit fruit. The experiment provided a theoretical basis for the control of kiwifruit soft rot. In the future, the control of kiwifruit fruit soft rot disease can be targeted to kill the microorganisms of Diaporthe and Neofusicoccum.
作者 石浩 王仁才 王芳芳 庞立 王琰 卜范文 周倩 SHI Hao;WANG Ren-cai;WANG Fang-fang;PANG Li;WANG Yan;BU Fan-wen;ZHOU Qian(Horticulture and Landscape College Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha 410128,China;College of Agriculture and Forestry Hunan Applied Technology University,Changde 415100,China;Plant Protection College Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha 410128,China;Orient Science Technology College Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha 410128,China;Research Institute of Horticulture in Hunan Province,Changsha 410125,China)
出处 《现代食品科技》 EI CAS 北大核心 2020年第4期126-137,共12页 Modern Food Science and Technology
基金 湖南省科技厅重点研发计划项目(2017NK2071,2018NK2013) 湖南省教育厅项目(19C1353)。
关键词 软腐猕猴桃 病原菌 多样性 群落结构 soft rotten kiwifruit pathogens diversity community structure
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