
2019年南昌市新建区登革热发病风险评估 被引量:1

Risk Assessment of Dengue Fever in Xinjian District of Nanchang City in 2019
摘要 目的:评估登革热疫情在南昌市新建区进一步播散的风险,提出风险管理建议。方法:登录《传染病信息报告系统》查询辖区历年报告登革热病例、对辖区医疗机构发热门诊开展登革热监测、对所有登革热病例及监测病例开展流行病学调查、对城关镇长堎镇开展伊蚊监测、往年发病情况、专家讨论等结果进行评估。结果:对各医疗机构发热门诊发热病例开展登革热病例主动监测,搜索到监测病例15例,其中确诊2例输入性登革热实验室诊断病例;从《传染病报告信息系统》中监测到辖区外其他医疗机构报告3例实验室诊断病例。9、10月份在登革热病例流动较高的城关镇长堎镇随机抽取了51处小区或街道开展伊蚊密度应急监测,15处布雷图指数大于5,其中3处布雷图指数大于10。结论:南昌市新建区发生数例输入性登革热疫情,且毗邻县区出现本土病例,人员流动大,引起登革热发生本土病例及局部爆发的风险极高,应引起政府及相关部门的高度重视,采取积极有效的防控措施。 Objective:To evaluate the risk of further spread of dengue fever in Xinjian District of Nanchang and put forward risk management suggestions.Methods:Login the Infectious Diseases Information Reporting System and search for dengue cases in the jurisdiction over the years.Monitor on dengue fever clinics happened in the medical institutions.Conduct epidemiological investigation on all the dengue cases as well as the surveillance cases and launch the monitor on the aedes.Then make assessment on the morbidity during the past years and the results of the expert discussions.Results:15 cases of dengue fever were detected through active surveillance of fever cases in fever clinic departments of various medical institutions,among which 2 were confirmed as imported dengue fever laboratory-diagnosed cases.Also,according to the Infectious Disease Reporting Information System,3 laboratory-diagnosed cases were found in other medical institutions outside the jurisdiction.From September to October,simples from 51 communities and streets in Chengguan and Changling towns with high flow of dengue cases were randomly drawn for emergency monitoring of the aedes density——the results came as that the index of 15 simples in the Breteau Index was more than 5,and what of another 3 ones was more than 10.Conclusion:Xinjian District of Nanchang has witnessed several cases of imported dengue fever outbreak,and even the adjacent counties were influenced with indigenous cases.Great population mobility lays as the main cause of the high risks of the local and partly dengue fever outbreak,to which should be paid close attention by the government and related departments to take positive and effective prevention and control measures.
作者 陈丽华 周孔香 刘源 刘文清 CHEN Li-hua;ZHOU Kong-xiang;LIU Yuan;LIU Wen-qing(Xinjian District of Nanchang Center for Control and Prevention,Xinjian 330100,China)
出处 《宜春学院学报》 2020年第3期96-99,共4页 Journal of Yichun University
关键词 南昌市 新建区 登革热 风险 评估 Nanchang city Xinjian district Dengue fever risk assessment
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