
儿童食物过敏及其饮食干预治疗研究进展 被引量:2

Research Advance in Food Allergy of Children and Dietary Intervention Therapy
摘要 儿童食物过敏为儿童食品安全带来巨大隐患。随着技术手段的发展和生活水平的提高,儿童食物过敏检测率和发病率大幅增加。鉴于食物过敏原种类的复杂性,远离过敏源的食物管理治疗方法无法满足儿童的营养需求,因而,饮食辅助及替代治疗或称"饮食干预治疗"对于儿童食物过敏具有现实意义。本文通过对儿童食物过敏流行病学、临床表现、机制原理及过敏源等最新研究进行简要分析,针对儿童食物过敏的预防及饮食干预治疗研究的新发展进行探究,探讨配方奶粉、益生菌、益生元等膳食补充剂的研究现状,为低敏膳食产品的开发及儿童食物过敏防控提供理论支持。 Children’s food allergies arise a huge hidden danger to children’s food safety.With the development of technical means and the improvement of living standards,the detection rate and incidence rate of children’s food allergies increases significantly.In view of the complexity of food allergens,food management treatments kept away from allergens can’t meet the nutritional needs of children.Therefore,diet-assisted and alternative treatments or‘dietary interventions therapy’have practical implications for children’s food allergies.The latest research on the epidemiology,clinical manifestations,mechanism principles and allergens of children’s food allergies are analyzed.Through exploring the prevention of food allergy in children and the new development of dietary intervention therapy research,the study explores the research status of dietary supplements such as hydrolyzed formula milk powder,probiotics and prebiotics,which would provide theoretical support for the development of low-sensitive dietary products and prevention and control of children’s food allergies.
作者 董建辉 潘聪 王玺 苑鹏 夏凯 韩晓峰 梁爱民 DONG Jian-hui;PAN Cong;WANG Xi;YUAN Peng;XIA Kai;HAN Xiao-feng;LIANG Ai-min(China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100015,China;Beijing Key Laboratory of the Innovative Development of Functional Staple and the Nutritional Intervention for Chronic Disease,Beijing 100015,China;Beijing Children’s Hospital,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100045,China)
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第10期339-343,349,共6页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
基金 河北省重点研发计划项目(19223002D)。
关键词 儿童食物过敏 饮食干预治疗 益生菌 益生元 food allergy in children dietary intervention therapy probiotics prebiotics
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