
基于人性化的智能学习型不良事件系统的认知及需求分析 被引量:1

A cognitive and needs analysis of the people-oriented intelligent-learning system for adverse events
摘要 目的了解医护人员对不良事件管理的认知现状以及对人性化智能学习型不良事件系统的需求,为智能学习型不良事件系统的构建提供参考依据。方法采用自行设计的问卷,对医院238名护士进行随机抽查,对调查情况进行统计分析。结果共发放问卷238份,回收有效问卷238份,有效回收率100.00%。98.74%(235/238)的护理人员知晓不良事件的定义,84.87%(202/238)的护理人员发生不良事件后会在第一时间主动上报,96.64%(230/238)的护理人员希望不良事件的上报书写简单化、流程化,81.51%(194/238)的护理人员表示了解过学习型不良事件上报系统。不同职称、学历护理人员与对不良事件管理认知存在差异,对智能学习型不良事件管理系统需求较高。结论护理人员主动上报不良事件意识不高,对不良事件分析、整改、标准化的构建需求较高,有必要构建一个人性化的智能学习型不良事件管理系统。 Objective To investigate the nurses'cognition regarding adverse events management and the needs of a people-oriented intelligent-learning system for adverse events management,in order to provide reference for establishment of a intelligent-learning system.Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted to 238 nurses,and their cognitive status and needs of a people-oriented intelligent-learning system.Results Totally 238 questionnaires were retrieved.The results of the survey showed that 98.74%(235/238)of nurses were familiar with the definition of adverse events,84.87%(202/238)of nurses chose to report immediately after the occurrence of adverse events,96.64%(230/238)of nurses wished to have a user-friendly and systematic reporting process,and 81.51%(194/238)of nurses had contact with intelligent-learning system.there were significant differences in the cognition of adverse events management among nurses with different job titles and education levels,and they had a high-level need for a intelligent-learning system to manage adverse events.Conclusion The findings of the survey showed a low-level cognition regarding adverse events and a high-level need for a intelligent-learning system among nurses.It is required to establish a people-oriented intelligent-learning system for management of adverse events.
作者 陈杰 赖静 CHEN Jie;LAI Jing(Department of Nursing,The First People's Hospital of Longquanyi District,Chengdu,Sichuan,610100)
出处 《中西医结合护理(中英文)》 2020年第2期138-141,共4页 Journal of Clinical Nursing in Practice
基金 2019年四川省卫生信息学会科研课题基金项目(4)。
关键词 人性化 智能 学习型 不良事件管理 护理管理 people-oriented intelligence learning adverse events management nursing management
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