
名实与真实:探索“真实性”议题的本土话语分析框架 被引量:5

The Idea of Ming-Shi(名-实)and Authenticity:An Experimental Discourse Analysis on“Authenticity”in Chinese Context
摘要 随着"真实性"讨论在国内学术界的引入和持续升温,需要看到",真实性"的设问本质上表达了西方世界关于何为"真实"的主导观念及权威话语。在当代旅游研究中",真实性"概念被广泛用于分析从西方到非西方不同社会语境中的旅游现象,而其移用过程本身尚未得到充分反思。因此,在前现代的"游"向现代"旅游"转型的过程中,共时维度语境挪移的"真实性"概念仍需重返历时维度的本土观念和实践传统方能得到落实。基于对"名实观"历史、文化、哲学内涵的追溯辨析以及对徐霞客、李时珍身心之"游"的个案讨论,文章通过"名实观"的引入,揭示出本土之"游"以身正名、求实体真的实践伦理面向,首先旨在反思"真实性"普遍话语的理论限度并设定参照维度;进而尝试建立一种新的话语分析框架,在"名-实"关联的社会历史建构视野中,将"真实性"的一般化讨论导向"真实化"的过程态考察,由此检视"真实性"概念嵌入本土话语场和实践场的复杂动因。 Considering the increasing hot discussions on"Authenticity"in China in the past two decades,it should be pointed out,however,that the inquiry of"Authenticity"reflected essentially the dominant ideology and discourse of how the western world think of"what-is-authentic"in the first place.Nowadays in tourism studies,the concept of"Authenticity"was widely used for analyzing different kinds of tourist cultural phenomenon from Western to nonWestern world,while it had not yet been fully reflected in different cultural context.Accordingly,during the transformation from the pre-modern"You"(游)to the modern"Tourism"in China,the synchronically-transplanted concept of"Authenticity"from Western world should be resettled diachronically into the native ideology and practice tradition of China for a deeper understanding.Based on detailed tracing and analysis of the historical,cultural and philosophical significance of the Chinese native idea of"Ming-Shi"(名实观)and the concrete case studies of Xu Xiake(徐霞客)and Li Shizhen(李时珍),the two great travelers in ancient China,the inquiry of relationship between"Ming"(名)and"Shi"(实)could be compared with the conception of"Authenticity"in Western culture because of their inner concern to explore what are the true meanings,real natures and historic characters of things.However,the idea of"MingShi"(名实观)also has some pretty different implications in Chinese tradition which could provide for further discussion on"what is authentic"out of the western discourse context:Firstly,the Chinese idea of"Ming-Shi"(名实观)mainly concerns the relationship between Names and Things-behind which,the relationship between man and the world indeed.It’s different from the ultimate inquiry on"Absolute Idea"in the Western philosophical tradition.Secondly,the"Rectification of Names"(正名)should be understood rather as the ethical concern on social orders and essential relevance between man and his world than the logical judgment on what is authentic or inauthentic,true or false,right or wrong.Thirdly,since"Ming"(名)and"Shi"(实)are both social-historically constructed,they are flexible and negotiable during the process of social changes,and could only be practiced and embodied by man himself.That is to say,the idea of"Ming-Shi"(名实观)is fundamentally about the issue of embodiment-embodied Authenticity/Actuality/Reality,which could be experienced and understood in flesh and meat,rather than be speculated in abstract ways.In summary,by introducing the native idea of"Ming-Shi"(名实观),this paper(1)reveals the inner cultural/ethnic dimension of bodily certification of"Ming-Shi"(正名)of Chinese traditional"You"(游);(2)reflects the theoretic limit of the universal discourse of"Authenticity"in contemporary tourism studies while setting up an experimental analysis framework on"Authenticity"with this Chinese theoretic reference of"Ming-Shi"(名-实);and finally,(3)tries to promote the general discussion of"Authenticity"to a dynamic understanding of"Authentication"and examine its comprehensive motivations in the view of social/history construction of"Ming-Shi"(名-实)in China.
作者 李菲 LI Fei(The Key Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education—Institute for Non-orthodox Chinese Culture,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610064,China;College of Literature and Journalism,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610064,China)
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期50-61,共12页 Tourism Tribune
基金 四川大学中国语言文学与中华文化全球传播学科群建设专项经费(XKQZQN09) 国家社会科学基金重大项目“甘青川藏族口传文化汇典”(13&ZD138)共同资助。
关键词 真实性 名实观 旅游 真实化 authenticity the idea of Ming-Shi(名实观) You(游) tourism authentication
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