

Verification of China’s Goods Export Competitiveness to U.S. from the Perspective of Production Division
摘要 考虑生产分工对中美间经贸联系程度、贸易规模和结构的影响,基于生产分工下价值链视角,构建出口竞争力测度指标体系,验证中国对美国货物出口竞争力。结果显示:2016年及之前,中国仅在杂项制品大类上,对美国显示出较强出口竞争力,机械和运输设备、动物和植物油、油脂和蜡我国具有比较优势,化学成品及有关产品、按原料分类的制成品双方竞争性较强,其余大类上,中国对美国出口竞争力不具优势。引入其他国家作对比的分析结果表明:中国对对比国家均无显著出口竞争力,而且对美国出口具有单价优势的资本技术密集型产品,对这些国家出口多缺乏单价优势,而2017年以来对美国和对比国家的贸易变化,进一步勾画出中国对美国货物出口竞争力不足。在生产分工主导全球产业发展背景下,提升我国在全球生产分工中的参与地位,宜强化自主技术研发、提升外资质量和技术外溢、加快"走出去"学习先进技术。 Considering the impact of production division on the trade and economic interdependent degree, trade scale and structure between two countries, the verification is done about China’s goods export competitiveness to U.S. in views of the value added chains and using the new index. The results show that from 2008 to 2016 China only has export competitiveness to U.S. in miscellaneous manufactured articles under the SITC top classification. As for machinery and transport equipment and animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes, China has the comparative advantage.For chemicals and related products, and manufactured goods classified chiefly by material, China has competitive relationship with U.S.. As for other goods, China’s exports to U.S. show disadvantages. Using other typical countries to compare, it shows that China has no export competitiveness to them. Meanwhile, the capital and technology intensive goods, in which China has unit price advantage as exporting to U.S., shows no this advantage to the typical countries. However,the changes of the trade situations between China and U.S. as well as China and each selected country after 2016, further show China’s export competitiveness defects to U.S.. Therefore,under the background that the production division leads the world industries development, and in aims of enhancing the position in the global production division, more focus should be put on strengthening our own R&D, improving the quality and technology spill-over of the foreign capital and accelerating the "going-out" to learn the advanced technology.
作者 张彬 ZHANG Bin
出处 《产经评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期144-160,共17页 Industrial Economic Review
基金 山东省社会科学规划项目“新区域经贸时代山东省外贸竞争力与提升路径研究”(项目编号:19CPYJ60,项目负责人:张彬) 山东省人文社会科学课题“中韩自贸区与山东省经贸发展”(项目编号:J16WE38,项目负责人:张彬) 国家社会科学基金项目“发达国家制造业回流对中国产业转型升级的影响评估和对策设计”(项目编号:15BJL081,项目负责人:李玉梅)。
关键词 货物贸易 生产分工 价值链 出口竞争力 中美贸易与投资 goods trade production division value chains export competitiveness trade and investment between China and U.S
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