
徐世芬针灸治疗肌筋膜炎经验 被引量:4

Xu Shifen's Experience in Acupuncture Treatment of Myofascitis
摘要 肌筋膜炎属经筋病范畴,应先明确病机及病变累及经脉。经筋受经脉气血濡养,故于经脉循行中通过审、切、循、扪和按等方法可确定阳性反应点,包括络脉色暗深紫者,肿硬者,按之快然感者,拒按者,按之凹陷者。筋经病每发病时,肌肉和关节的抽搐、拘挛、瘛疚、痿废等症状在体表均有紧、硬、胀、肿等病理表现,于此处揣穴再配合循经远端揣穴可确定施针部位。刃针容易激发经气,达到改善气血运行,调畅经气的作用。重用温灸具有温经散寒、疏通气血、舒缓筋脉拘急的作用,适用于寒凝气滞型筋痹证。火针疗法融合了灸的灼热和针的得气,能达到事半功倍的效果,借“火”之力可驱散寒毒固结。放血疗法有起陈疴之效,用于瘀血之症如鼓应桴。 Myofascitis belongs to the category of meridian disease.The pathogenesis and pathogenesis of the disease,which is closely related to the meridians should be identified first.The meridians are supported by the meridian Qi and Blood,so the positive reaction point can be determined through the methods of Shen,Qie,Xun,Men and An along the meridian.It includes those who have dark purple veins,those who are swollen,those who has good press sensation,those who refuse to be pressed and those whose skin sags when being pressed.At the onset of tendonosis,muscle and joint convulsions,contractures,guilt,decadence and other symptoms are tight,hard,swollen,swollen and other pathological manifestations on the body surface.Here,acupuncture points are used in conjunction with the distal end and the acupuncture point can be determined as the needle application site.The sharp needle is easy to stimulate menstrual energy,to improve the operation of Qi and Blood,and to regulate menstruation.Using warming moxibustion has the effects of warming Zang and Fu as well as dispersing Coldness,dredging Qi and Blood,and soothing tendons and veins,which is suitable for the syndrome of Coldness induced Qi stagnation.Fire acupuncture therapy combines the hotness of moxibustion and the vitality of acupuncture,which can achieve twice of the result with half the effort.The power of“fire”can curing the serious and long-lasting diseases.It is like removing the silt plugged in a water channel,in which the flowing of water is slow.Now when the silt is removed and the water flow is reopened.This is called a strong dredging method,which is quite effective in treating Blood stasis.
作者 陈晓磊 徐世芬 CHEN Xiaolei;XU Shifen(Community Health Service Center of Xietu Street,Xuhui District,Shanghai China 200032;TCM Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Chinese Medicine,Shanghai China 200071)
出处 《中医学报》 CAS 2020年第5期1025-1028,共4页 Acta Chinese Medicine
基金 2016-2018年度上海市徐汇区卫生计生系统人才培养项目(QNRC201628)。
关键词 肌筋膜炎 针灸 徐世芬 揣经 揣穴 刃针 温灸 火针 刺络拔罐 myofasciitis acupuncture Xu Shifen Chuaijing Chuaixue sharp needle warm moxibustion fire needle blood-letting puncture and cupping
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