宋僧惠洪是佛教史和文學史上的著名人物。《石門文字禪》是其撰述理念及寫作内容的集中代表,共收古近體詩1 658首,各體文535篇。其詩學蘇軾、黄庭堅,各體皆工,被譽爲"宋僧之冠"。其文受北宋古文運動影響,長於議論,疏文、題跋、字説在禪林書寫史上有示範意義。歷代士林和禪林對其著述評價褒貶不一。《石門文字禪》南宋初即刊行,今存最早爲萬曆徑山寺本。日本江户僧廓門貫徹爲之作注,然而較粗疏,理應重新整理校注。
Song dynasty Hui Hong is a well known figure in Buddhist and literary history. Collected Writings of Hui Hong石門文字禪 [Shimen wenzi chan]is a representative compilation of this writer’s work and thought,containing within it 1658 poems in both the guti古體 [old style]and jinti近體 [new style]genre,as well as 535 works in various other genres. His poetry mastered the styles of Su Shi and Huang Tingjian,giving him the appellation,"Champion of Song dynasty Buddhist writers."His prose was influenced by the NorthernSong Dynasty guwen古 文 [classical]movement. Adept at argumentation;his prose,prefaces and postscripts,as well writings on style names serve as fine examples within Chan literary history. Critical opinion of his works vary from period to period among literati and Buddhist writers. Collected Writings of Hui Hong was published and brought into circulation in the Southern Song Dynasty,with the earliest extant version of it deriving from the Ming Dynasty Wanli period(1573 1619),known as the Jingshan Temple edition徑山寺本.Kuomen Guanche廓門貫徹,Japanese monk of the Edo period(1603 1868 CE),provided posterity with an annotation of this edition. Although valuable,is rough and lacking in many aspects,providing impetus for this new undertaking to collate and annotate the Collected Writings of Hui Hong.
Journal of Chinese Literature and History