

Discussion of British Claims for Compensation Against China in the"Kowshing"Incident
摘要 高升号属怡和洋行旗下商船,1894年7月被清廷租借用来运送士兵,7月25日在丰岛附近海面被日舰"浪速"击沉。由于高升号当时所悬挂的是英国国旗,恰好中日当时尚未开战,一场本应由日本承担责任的事件,在经过各方讨论后,将责任方完全转向了中国。本文结合当时的史料,从外交、国际法、政治、新闻舆论等角度,对此事件的责任转换进行探讨。 Kowshing,a merchant ship of Jardine Matheson,was leased by the Qing government in July 1894 to transport soldiers.On July 25,it was sunk by the Japanese ship"Langsu"near Fengdao.As the flag of the United Kingdom was hung in the ship when it happened,and the war between China and Japan had not yet started,the incident that should have been Japan's responsibility shifted the blame completely to China after discussions among all parties.Based on the historical data at that time,this paper explores the responsibility conversion of this incident from the perspectives of diplomacy,international law,politics,news and public opinion.
作者 张翕喆 Zhang Xizhe
出处 《兰台世界》 2020年第5期133-137,共5页 Lantai World
关键词 甲午战争 “高升”号 怡和洋行 泰晤士报 the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 Kowshing Jardine Matheson the Times
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  • 1The Kowshing Status[N]. The North-China Herald, 1894- 08-03.
  • 2The Legal Position of Kowshing[N]. The North-China Herald, 1894-08-03.
  • 3The Sinking of the Kowshing[N]. The North-China Herald, 1894-08-03.
  • 4Edited by Anthony Best. British Documents on Foreign Affairs, Part I, Series E, Asia, Volume4, Sino-Japanese war, 1894[Z]. [Bethescla, Md. ] : University Publications of America, 2003.
  • 5Summary of News[N]. The North-China Herald,1894-08-10.
  • 6Mutsu Munemitsu. Kenkenroku: A Diplomatic Record of The Sino-Japanese War 1894-1895[M]. TokyozJapan Foundation, 1982.
  • 7Kamikawa Kimura. Japan-American Diplomatic Relations in the Meiji-Taisho Era[M]. Tokyoz Pan-Pacific, 1958.
  • 8Philip Joseph. Foreign Diplomacy in China 1894-1900zA Study in Political and Economic Relations with China[M]. London: Allen&Unwin, 1928.
  • 9Charles Nelson Spinks. The Background of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance[J]. The Pacific Historical Review,1939,Vol. 8,No. 3.
  • 10Edited by Anthony Best. British Documents on Foreign Affairs, Part I, Series E, Asia, Volume5, Sino-Japanese War and Triple Intervention, 1894-1895 [ Z ]. [ Bethesda, Md. ] : University Publications of America, 2003.








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