
“透法”在外感热病中的运用 被引量:4

Application of "Method of Expelling Pathogen" to External-Contraction Febrile Disease
摘要 外感之邪从口鼻、皮毛侵袭人体,肺卫首先受邪。在外感病初期,肺卫失宣是病机的关键,治疗应重在宣通肺卫。外感风寒邪气,寒邪直接损伤卫阳,郁遏肺气,治当辛温解表。外感风热邪气,阳邪郁遏气机,损伤津液,易化燥化火,甚则内陷生变,治当辛凉解表。湿热邪气从口鼻、皮毛而入,初起即表现为卫气同病,治当宣化表里湿热。燥气为病,易伤肺脏、耗津液,与热相合则易化热化火,而成温燥,治宜辛凉甘润。外感热病初起,六淫邪气侵袭肺卫,气机郁滞,进而津停成饮、成痰;气有余便是火,郁滞之气化燥化火,甚则动血。治疗总则为宣通气机,此即"透法"之运用。故在外感热病初起的治疗中,贵在把握气机状态,让肺卫之气宣畅,正气宣布,则邪气潜消。 When exogenous pathogens attack the human body from the mouth,nose,skin and hair,the lung defense-qi is the first to suffer.In the early stage of exogenous diseases,the lung defense-qi failing to disperse is the key to pathogenesis,and the treatment should focus on dispersing lung defense-qi.When a person is affected by wind-cold pathogen,the cold directly damages the defensive yang,suppresses the lung qi,so the treatment should focus on release exterior with pungent-warm.When a person is affected by wind-heat pathogen,the yang pathogen blocks qi movement,damages fluid,easily transforms dryness into fire,even to invagination and change,so the treatment should focus on release exterior with pungent-cool.When dampness and heat enter body from the mouth,nose,skin and hair,it is initially manifested as the same disease of defense qi and the treatment should focus on resolving dampness and heat in the exterior and interior.Dryness is a disease,which is easy to injure the lung and consume body fluid.When combined with heat,it is easy to transform into heat and fire and turn into warm-dryness,so the treatment should focus on using pungent-cool and sweet-moistening medicinals.At the beginning of external-contraction febrile disease,six pathogens attack the lung defense-qi,qi movement will be stagnated,and then fluid will transform into retention and phlegm.Excess qi turns into fire,stagnant qi easily transforms into dryness and,and even affects blood circulation.The general principle of treatment is ventilating qi movement,which is the application of "method of expelling pathogen".Therefore,in the early treatment of external-contraction febrile disease,it is important to grasp the state of qi movement,unblock lung defense-qi,strengthen healthy qi to remove pathogens.
作者 孙美灵 张思超 张义敏 SUN Mei-ling;ZHANG Si-chao;ZHANG Yi-min(Shandong University of CM,Jinan,Shandong,China,250355)
机构地区 山东中医药大学
出处 《河南中医》 2020年第5期674-676,共3页 Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(81173183) 山东中医药大学优秀青年科学基金项目(20108ZK06)。
关键词 “透法” 外感热病 辛温解表 辛凉解表 宣化湿热 辛凉甘润 "method of expelling pathogen" external-contraction febrile disease release exterior with pungent-warm release exterior with pungent-cool resolving dampness and heat pungent-cool and sweet-moistening
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