
经方辨治抑郁症七法 被引量:5

Seven Methods of Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Depression with Classical Prescriptions
摘要 经方辨证治疗抑郁症的主要方法有:补益心脾法、疏肝健脾法、滋阴清热法、清热化痰法、甘润缓急法、化痰解郁法和回阳益阴法等七种。补益心脾法适用于心脾两虚,气血不足证,方用外台茯苓饮加味;疏肝健脾法适用于肝郁脾虚,气滞血瘀证,方用小柴胡汤合当归芍药散、四逆散加减;滋阴清热法适用于阴虚火旺,心肾不交证,方用百合地黄汤、百合知母汤合黄连阿胶汤加减;清热化痰法适用于肝郁气滞,痰热扰心神证,方用柴胡加龙骨牡蛎汤加减;甘润缓急法适用于脏躁病,证属心肝血虚,心神失濡所致,方用甘麦大枣汤加味;化痰解郁法适用于痰气郁结之证,方用半夏厚朴汤合半夏秫米汤加减;回阳益阴法适用于心肾阴阳两虚,且以阳虚为主所致的烦躁不安证,方用茯苓四逆汤合桂枝甘草龙骨牡蛎汤加味。 There are seven main methods to treat depression with classical prescriptions based on syndrome differentiation:method of invigorating the heart and spleen,method of dispersing stagnated liver-qi and activating the spleen,method of nourishing yin and clearing heat,method of clearing heat and resolving phlegm,method of moistening and relieving with sweet nature,method of resolving phlegm and relieving depression,method of recovering yang and nourishing yin.The method of invigorating the heart and spleen is suitable for syndrome of heart-spleen deficiency,qi and blood deficiency.Supplemented Poria Decoction is often used.The method of dispersing stagnated liver-qi and activating the spleen is suitable for syndrome of liver stagnation,spleen deficiency,qi stagnation,and blood stasis.Minor Bupleurum Decoction combined with Chinese Angelica and Peony Power,Modified Frigid Extremities Powder are often used.The method of nourishing yin and clearing heat is suitable for syndrome of deficiency of yin and hyperactivity of fire,disharmony of heart and kidneyBulbus Lilii and Rehmannia Decoction,Bulbus Lilii and Rhizoma Anemarrhenae Decoction combined with Modified Coptis and Donkey-Hide Gelatin Decoction are often used.The method of clearing heat and resolving phlegm is suitable for syndrome of stagnated liver-qi,and phlegm heat disturbing mind.Modified Bupleurum Decoction plus Os Draconis and Concha Ostreae are often used.The method of moistening and relieving with sweet nature is suitable for syndrome of visceral dryness caused by blood deficiency of heart and liver leading to disorder of heart mind.Supplemented Licorice and Wheat and Jujube Decoction is often used.The method of resolving phlegm and relieving depression is suitable for syndrome of phlegm stagnation,Pinellia and Officinal Magnolia Bark Decoction combined with Modified Pinellia and Radix Oryzae Decoction is often used.The method of recovering yang and nourishing yin is suitable for syndrome of deficiency of heart and kidney yin and yang,and the restlessness syndrome mainly caused by yang deficiency.Frigid Extremities Decoction plus Poria combined with Supplemented Cinnamon Twig and Licorice and Os Draconis and Concha Ostreae is often used.
作者 李广 张世葳 LI Guang;ZHANG Shi-wei(The Third Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of CM,Zhengzhou,Henan,China,450003;Dengfeng Hospital of TCM,Dengfeng,Henan,China,452470)
出处 《河南中医》 2020年第5期704-706,共3页 Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 河南省中医药科学研究专项课题项目(2017ZY2142)。
关键词 抑郁症 经方 补益心脾法 疏肝健脾法 滋阴清热法 清热化痰法 甘润缓急法 化痰解郁法 回阳益阴法 《金匮要略》 《伤寒论》 张仲景 depression classical prescriptions method of invigorating the heart and spleen method of dispersing stagnated liver-qi and activating the spleen method of nourishing yin and clearing heat method of clearing heat and resolving phlegm method of moistening and relieving with sweet nature method of resolving phlegm and relieving depression method of recovering yang and nourishing yin Synopsis of the Golden Chamber Treatise on Cold Damage Diseases Zhang Zhong-jing
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