

Research on Self-adaptation Method of Services in Total Ship Computing Environment
摘要 在全舰计算环境中,针对应用需求变更,应用服务高效的进行自适应演化才能够充分的利用好各种有限资源。在服务变量定义的基础上,提出了影响服务质量的相关指标;对服务组合的结构路径进行了说明,给出不同结构路径形式下服务质量的计算方法,并提出了组合服务质量模型;对服务变更实例情况进行了分析,最终提出了服务自适应模型算法。 In the total ship computing environment, for the changes of application requirements, the efficient self-adaptive evolution of application services can make full use of various effective resources. Based on the definition of service variables, this paper proposed the related indexes affecting service quality;explained the structural path of service composition, gave the calculation method of services quality under different structural path forms. It also put forward the composite service quality model;analyzed the service change instance. Finally gave the service self-adaptive model algorithm.
作者 李海浩 费琪 卢重阳 LI Laihao;FEI Qi;LU Chongyang(No.91404 Troops of PLA.Hebei Qinhuangdao 066000,China;Jiangsu Automation Research Institute,Lianyungang,Jiangsu 222061,China)
出处 《微型电脑应用》 2020年第4期157-159,共3页 Microcomputer Applications
关键词 全舰计算环境 组合服务 自适应 total ship computing environment composite service self-adaptation
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