18F-FDG PET/CT心肌代谢显像是目前被公认的监测患者存活心肌的"金标准",在冠心病的临床诊疗、血管再通术的预后评价等方面起指导作用。保证合格的图像质量是发挥其作用的关键。然而,18F-FDG PET/CT心肌代谢显像图像质量受到许多因素影响,其中血糖水平、胰岛素功能是主要的影响因素。通过调整显像前饮食结构、禁食时间、长期服用药物、检查日的血糖水平、调节血糖的方法以及注射显像剂的时间等可提高图像质量,并提升显像的成功率。为此,笔者对18F-FDG PET/CT心肌代谢显像图像质量影响因素的研究现状及最新进展进行综述。
The 18F-FDG PET/CT myocardial metabolism imaging is currently recognized as the"gold standard"for monitoring patient myocardial survival and plays a guiding role in the treatment of coronary heart disease and the prognosis evaluation of vascular recanalization.Ensuring qualified image quality is the key in achieving this role.However,the myocardial metabolism imaging quality of 18F-FDG PET/CT is affected by many factors,such as diet before examination,fasting time,long-term drug use,daily blood glucose level examination,blood glucose regulation methods and the timing of tracer injection.To this end,the author intends to review the research status and the latest progress of the factors affecting the quality of myocardial metabolism imaging with the 18F-FDG PET/CT.
Jiang Jingchen;Wang Xuemei;Zhang Kaixiu(Department of Nursing,Inner Mongolia Medical University,Hohhot 010050,China;Department of Nuclear Medicine,the Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University,Hohhot 010050,China)
International Journal of Radiation Medicine and Nuclear Medicine