
新型连栋日光能温室小气候初探 被引量:5

Preliminary study on microclimate of new multi-span solar energy greenhouse
摘要 【目的】研究新型连栋日光能温室室内小气候的分布特点,分析其在长江流域的实用性和可行性,为长江流域地区温室的结构设计和生产管理提供理论依据。【方法】分别于夏季(2017年6―7月)和冬季(2017年1月和12月以及2018年1月),在新型连栋日光能温室的前跨、后跨、室外设置不同传感器,测定了温室室内和室外气温、相对湿度、辐照度、曝辐量和薄膜热通量等,分析温室气温、相对湿度、气候因子均匀度变化和冬季温室内光照分布的特点。【结果】夏季温室前跨气温日平均值、日最高值与日较差分别为26.84,32.77和9.64℃,比后跨分别高0.53,1.41和1.30℃,但二者以上指标间均无显著差异;后跨相对湿度的日平均值、日最低值及日较差分别为88.05%,69.89%和29.48%,日平均值和日最低值显著高于前跨,而日较差显著低于前跨。冬季前跨日最高气温为22.98℃,较后跨提高了2.35℃;后跨日最低气温为7.18℃,分别比室外和前跨增加了8.26和2.95℃。光照分布上,晴天和阴天前跨的采光时长均显著高于后跨。晴天前跨与后跨日平均辐照度和平均日曝辐量无显著差异,而阴天前跨的日平均辐照度与平均日曝辐量显著高于后跨。晴天和阴天温室前跨日平均透光率均高于后跨。日间温室前跨向后跨传热约56 MJ,夜间后跨向前跨传热约43.27 MJ。【结论】探明了连栋日光能温室小气候变化规律,为其在长江流域地区的周年生产提供了参考。 【Objective】This paper studied the distribution characteristics of indoor microclimate in a new type of solar energy greenhouse and analyzed its practicability and feasibility in the Yangtze River Basin to provide basis for the structural design and production management of greenhouses.【Method】In summer(June-July 2017)and winter(January and December 2017 and January 2018)seasons,different sensors were placed in the front span,rear span,and outdoor of the new multi-span solar greenhouse.Indoor and outdoor greenhouse temperature,relative humidity,irradiance,exposure and film heat flux were measured to analyze greenhouse temperature,relative humidity,climatic factor uniformity and light distribution characteristics in winter greenhouses.【Result】The summer average,daily maximum and daily difference of temperature in the front span were 26.84,32.77 and 9.64℃,which were 0.53,1.41 and 1.30℃higher than that of the rear span without significant differences.The daily average,daily minimum and daily difference of humidity in the rear span were 88.05%,69.89%and 29.48%,respectively.The daily average and daily minimum were significantly higher than that of front span,while the daily difference was significantly lower.The highest temperature in the day before winter of the front span was 22.98℃,2.35℃higher than that of the rear span.The minimum temperature of the rear span was 7.18℃,which was 8.26 and 2.95℃higher than the outdoor and front span,respectively.The daylighting time of sunny and cloudy days was significantly higher than that of the back span,while the daily average irradiance and average daily exposure showed no significant difference.The daily average irradiance and average daily exposure of sunny and cloudy front spans were significantly higher than that of the rear span.The average daily light transmission in sunny and cloudy days in the front span were higher than that of the rear span.The heat transfer at daytime from front to rear was about 56 MJ,and the heat transfer at night from rear to front was about 43.27 MJ.【Conclusion】The microclimate change in solar energy greenhouse was investigated,which is help for its annual production in the Yangtze River Basin.
作者 赵喆 李兴 王健 郭世荣 蓝盾 倪梦玮 ZHAO Zhe;LI Xing;WANG Jian;GUO Shirong;LAN Dun;NI Mengwei(College of Horticulture,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210095,China)
出处 《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期88-98,共11页 Journal of Northwest A&F University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金资助项目(CARS-23-B12)。
关键词 新型连栋日光能温室 温室小气候 气温 相对湿度 new multi-span solar energy greenhouse greenhouse microclimate temperature relative humidity
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