目的调查2015—2018年青岛市登瀛监测点气溶胶中90 Sr的放射性水平。方法参照EJ/T 1035—2011《土壤中锶-90的分析方法》以及一些放射性核素在气溶胶等介质中的分析方法,对气溶胶中90 Sr核素进行处理和分析。结果结果显示2015—2016年青岛市登瀛点位气溶胶中90 Sr的放射性活度浓度范围为1.95~5.51μBq/m3,最大活度浓度为5.51μBq/m3;2015—2018年年均值逐年减小,且均低于全国气溶胶中90 Sr的监测范围。结论空气中总悬浮颗粒物浓度会对环境空气气溶胶样品中90 Sr的放射性活度浓度产生影响。
Objective To investigate the radioactivity level of Strontium-90 in aerosol of Qingdao Dengying Monitoring Point from 2015 to 2018.Methods With reference to the analytical method of Strontium-90 in soil(EJ/T 1035—2011)and the analytical methods of some radionuclides in aerosol and other media,the 90 Sr nuclides in aerosol were treated and analyzed in Qingdao from 2015 to 2018.Results The results indicated that the radioactivity concentration of Strontium-90 in aerosol of Dengying Monitoring site in Qingdao from 2015 to 2016 was 1.09~5.51μBq/m3,the maximum activity concentration of Strontium-90 was 5.51μBq/m3 in the aerosol at this point;The annual mean value of Strontium-90 decreased year by year from 2015 to 2018,and it was lower than the monitoring range of radioactivity level of Strontium-90 in aerosol in China.Conclusion The concentration of total suspended particles in air will affect the radioactivity concentration of 90 Sr in ambient aerosol samples.
QU Xunshuai;REN Xiaojie;WANG Yi(Shandong Provincial Qingdao Eco-environment Monitoring Center,Qingdao 266003 China)
Chinese Journal of Radiological Health