
中国农村居民信息消费增长与信息消费平等的福利效应--基于一般均衡分析框架的福利测评 被引量:2

The Welfare Effect of Information Consumption Growth and Information Consumption Equality for China Rural Residents--Welfare Assessment based on the Framework of General Equilibrium Analysis
摘要 长期以来中国的信息消费政策聚焦于促进信息消费增长,而忽视了不同群体之间信息消费不平等程度的改善。基于一般均衡分析框架构建福利效应测度模型,运用1993-2016年中国农村居民人均信息消费数据,从增长与平等双重视阈测算并比较全国和地区层面信息消费增长与信息消费平等的福利效应。研究发现:(1)信息消费增长与信息消费平等均具有显著的福利效应。在合理的参数取值下,扩大消费信息规模相当于每年补贴农村居民16.21%~285.23%的信息产品或服务,而实现信息消费的绝对平等也相当于每年补贴农村居民7.83%~294.02%的消费产品或服务;(2)缩小数字鸿沟是提升农村居民福利不容忽视的新视阈。无论是国家层面还是地区层面,大多数情况下信息消费平等的福利效应在可能的参数取值范围内超过信息消费增长的福利效应,代表性农村居民信息消费增长的福利效应仅为信息消费平等的福利效应的1/3;(3)信息消费增长与信息消费平等的福利效应存在显著的地区差异性。因此,在"互联网+"和乡村振兴战略实施过程中,信息消费政策应对增长与平等比量齐观,且因地制宜、因城施策,以实现中国农民居民信息消费的充分发展与平衡发展。 For a long time,China’s information consumption policy focused on promoting information consumption growth,but neglected the improvement of information consumption inequality between different groups. Based on a general equilibrium analysis framework,this paper constructs welfare effect measurement model,and use the per-capita information consumption data of China’s rural residents from 1993 to 2016 to calculate and compare the welfare effect of information consumption growth and information consumption equality at national and regional levels. The findings are as follows:firstly,both the information consumption growth and information consumption equality have significant welfare effects. Under reasonable parameter values,the expansion of consumption information scale is equivalent to an annual subsidy 16.21% to 285.23% of information products or services,and the realization of absolute information consumption equality is equivalent to an annual subsidy 7.83% to 294.02% of consumer products or services.Secondly,narrowing the digital divide is a new vision that can’t be ignored to improve the welfare of rural residents. In most cases,the welfare effect of information consumption equality exceeds the welfare effect of information consumption growth in the range of possible parameters,and the welfare effect of representative rural residents’ information consumption growth is only 1/3 of the welfare effect of information consumption equality. Thirdly,there are significant regional differences between the welfare effect of information consumption growth and information consumption equality. Therefore,in the implementation of the "Internet plus" and rural revitalization strategy,the information consumption policy should not only pay the equal attention to the growth and equality,but also according to local conditions,so as to realize the full and balanced development of the information consumption.
作者 丁志帆 孙根紧 DING Zhifan;SUN Genjin(Industrial Economic and Rural Development Institute,Henan University,Kaifeng Henan 475004,China;College of Tourism,Sichuan Agricultural University,Chengdu Sichuan 611830,China)
出处 《北京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期90-99,共10页 Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目(17BTJ008)。
关键词 农村居民 信息消费增长 信息消费平等 福利效应 rural residents information consumption growth information consumption equality welfare effects
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